咳嗽隐约地回来了,每年都要咳一阵,看来这肺是有点弱。昨晚煲了一锅的莲子,绿豆,红豆,红枣,百合,早上自己盛一碗出来,一勺一口,很快一碗暖暖的汤下肚,顷刻间五脏六腑好像都得到了滋润。只是不知对咳嗽能起到多大的作用,这咳嗽会持续多久? 可惜了我这个想唱歌的念头。人生还真是想唱就唱,想干嘛干嘛,现如今咳嗽了,唱不了了。
九点差一刻到了公司,把车趴在了公司对面的停车场。这里比较空,有不少树荫下的位置,这样中午如果有时间可以来车上小憩。 走出车,脚下一地的碎叶发出窸窸窣窣的声音。
踏进公司,碰见了Lynn迎面打招呼,她的一句Happy Monday and Happy the First Day of Autumn让我记起今天是北美日历里的第一个秋日,也是秋风时节。特此小记。

At 7:20 am this morning, I was downstairs in the kitchen to prepare for the breakfast. It was a cloudy morning, and the sun was nowhere to see. So I rolled up the window blinds to let the air and light in. Then I turned on the faucet for washing. The water was warm. For a moment, I thought I might have accidentally shifted the faucet to heat position. But I didn’t. All of a sudden, I remember the old winter days back home, when I had to handwash clothes by the well. It is the warm well water that mollified the otherwise harsh winter washing. As each bucketed water from the well was lifted, on the water surface arose some thinly steam, quickly vaporizing in the cold wind.
I parked the car across the street of our office building, as I have been doing this for a month now. Walking by the towering trees lined on both sides of road, underneath which is strewn with fall leaves, I felt a bit chilled.
I was at the office by the time the wall clock showed 8:50. After logging in, I took the cup and headed to the kitchen. On the way I met Lynn, a plump lady in HR, and I greeted her good morning. Her brisk response of “Happy Monday and Happy the first day of Autumn” reminded me that today is the first day of Autumn according to North America’s calendar. It is really an equinox day, when day and night are of same length. And it looks like that the sun knows that well, hiding behind and having a lazy morning, while the wind takes the lead in embracing us.
The sun finally broke out around 10:22 by the time I am writing this short journal. It's forecast that there will be Santa Ana wind tomorrow, and possible rains towards the end of the week. Will see.
The winter in the north felt bleak and something to endure, except for the Chinese New Year, of course.
I coughed slightly for two nights last week. Had it lasted, I'd try fasting. Take care.