今日驱车三十多分钟,想觅一处新路,不料发现人家网上推荐的地方,门口有个“No public trail access"的告示(门口停了两辆车,我们停下来走了两步,觉得不妥), 只好只身折回,去了其附近的沙滩。我和LD在阳光下,海风中,走了两个多小时。
南加的海岸线很长,从南往北,一路沙滩海景,相同又各异。这个海滩第一次来。只见一条长长的铁轨笔直地傍海而卧,不时地载着旅客,载着货物驶向远方。我们漫步海滩,看海鸟觅食,看游人冲浪,看孩童玩耍,看老人悠闲自得, 看美少女青春靓丽。走上桥墩,发现钓鱼的人不少,一个个鱼竿挂在桥杆上,人们耐心地等着鱼儿上勾。我们一处处好奇地查看他们钓上些什么鱼。这时人群有点点骚动,原来一个十几岁的小伙子钓到了只sting ray, LD赶紧打开相机,拍了几张。小伙子费了好大力将ray拉上来后,把鱼线取出后,又把Ray放回海里。可惜鱼钩没能取出。不知那条Ray回到海里,生死命运如何?
It is another normal Saturday, sunny and warm. We headed out in search of a new mountain trail but ended up on a beach. Like any beach in southern California, the blue sky here seamlessly connects the endless sea surface, on the shore of which are dotted with surfers and sails in the distance. "Waves alternately lap at the shore, and crash onto the sand or rocks. Seabirds seems to be darting and diving for their own amusements well as for food". The sea breeze is pristine and refreshing. The only noticeable difference for this beach is that it has a metrolink train station next to the shore, and of course a railroad leading afar to the end of our sight. We saw metrolink train and the other cargo one with "Kansas City Southern" whistled by.
We hiked on the trail that overlooks the beautiful ocean, adorned by the towering cliff. We stepped onto the pier, and watched people fishing for a while, and were fortunate enough to spot a sting ray being caught by a teenage boy. The boy immediately released it back to sea, but I don't know if the sting ray can still survive with the hook inside.

Somehow this reminds me of this quote "The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way." -- Marcus Aurelius
Not directly related but that's how my brain works ;-)