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Finishing the book: Reading Lolita in Tehran

(2017-03-01 17:09:56) 下一个
It is March already. As I promised myself in a journal, I finally pushed myself to finish the book today. Reading Lolita in Tehran, a memoir book that I am mentioning the third time here in my blog, was beautifully written by an Iranian literature professor, who came to the U.S in 1997, and later taught at John Hopkins University. The book was published in 2003, and was once the #1 New York Times Bestseller.  She recounts her life back in Iran mostly after the Iranian Revolution, a flashback of her teaching of American novels such as The Great Gatsby and Pride and Prejudice at college and at her private group study. Braided in the covers are her memories of her living and teaching in Iran, her encounter with her students and the magician, as well as her love, hatred, struggle and disenchantment towards her homeland. Putting aside all her political point of view, which I am in no position to comment at all, I adore her the ability to capture a moment and describe it with great delicacy and vividness. Of course, born into a rich and prestigious family, she was very well-educated in Switzerland and later in the U.S. But the fact that a non-native English speaker’s writing could by far surpass a native’s is an inspiring testimony that we are not defined by the territory we live, but the efforts we put. Or at least we can transcend. I only wish that in ten or twenty years, if I am still alive by then, I could write my version of life stories in English without much difficulty.
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暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复“夕阳影里一归舟”:Glad it resonates with you. I have witnessed so many examples around me that it is definitely true to conclude that. Let's accompany each other, and uplift us to a level that one day we can be proud of our efforts. Thanks a lot again for your two recent comments.
夕阳影里一归舟 回复 悄悄话 "we are not defined by the territory we live, but the efforts we put." It is so true! Keep trying, we will get there one day.
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 洋葱好!不敢当的,你的文风才是我羡慕admire的。谢谢你的喜欢,洋葱周末愉快!
洋葱炒鸡蛋 回复 悄悄话 Admire you too! 喜欢你文字的纯净自然!
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复“游士”:千万别这么说,我都要挖个洞钻进去了...我学英语更多的是自我欣赏自我提高,没什么才情的。谢谢游士的美言,祝好!
彩烟游士 回复 悄悄话 回复 '暖冬cool夏' 的评论 :

I will be honored to write a preface for a book written by the most famous novelist in the whole nation of California.

暖冬cool夏 2017-03-03 12:27:14
、回复“游士”:LOL. I will ask you to write a preface, which will begin sth like this:"One score years ago, a great Chinese, in whose vision this Republic of CA stands today... I have a dream!" Haha...Have a nice weekend, Scholar You!
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复“7grizzly": How are You, my friend? I am so delighted to see your comment, and thank you for your blessing (read your sentence quite a few times to understand you correctly). Let's work hard together, side by side. Thank you!
7grizzly 回复 悄悄话 Inspiring and blessed is she who is so inspired.
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复“游士”:LOL. I will ask you to write a preface, which will begin sth like this:"One score years ago, a great Chinese, in whose vision this Republic of CA stands today... I have a dream!" Haha...Have a nice weekend, Scholar You!
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复“迩东”:谢谢迩东的鼓励和留言。迩东周末愉快!
彩烟游士 回复 悄悄话 I am sure you will still be alive in 2037, when a book entitled Living in the Republic of California by Warm Winter will become the #1 bestseller in the U.S.
erdong 回复 悄悄话 暖冬用英文写读后感,很棒!
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复“oncemm”:我也是难得静下心来,比起你们,我读的书很少的,颇有“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲”之感,如果早些年用功些,情况一定比今日好。But never say too late. 谢谢Oncemm的喜欢和鼓励的。
Once-always 回复 悄悄话 Well written.暖mm的英文随感一向写得好。难得你还能静下心来读读书,我好像就是静不下心,玩心太重了,要向暖mm学习。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复“子乔”:是的,应该说她的style比较自然,细腻。当然跟真正的美国大作家比,好像还是有点差距。最近看过几篇O.Henry的短篇,文字很好,但太多生词,俚语,不常用。还是觉得她的文字比较优美且浅显易懂,可以仿效。我是在女儿那一堆书里无意发现的。今天在想自己接下来该读那本,哈哈。谢子乔留言和鼓励。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复"思韵”:思韵好,真不敢当的,你过奖了。这位作者的文字真的是我喜欢的style,不过人家出身名门,从小基础好,加上她的独特经历和故事,成就了她连续117weeks第一NY times bestseller。我只是希望自己有更多时间读读书(读的书太少),向你和子乔学习。谢谢思韵临博。
ziqiao123 回复 悄悄话 听你这么一介绍我也想读这本书了。好的文章都是心里流出的文字,暖冬慢慢写,越来越好了。
思韵如蓝 回复 悄悄话 暖冬的博客好耐读啊!中英文俱佳。这篇读书笔记非常好。真的,只要付出努力,我们的外语能超他人的母语。你能行的!

I truely admire you, keep on going!
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 谢谢狮子和写写的鼓励和美言,我知道自己没有ready,坚持读,希望老天能给我时间。多谢二位了。I am truly thankful!
为写而写 回复 悄悄话 回复 '狮子羔羊' 的评论 : +1. 不必等那么久。你也能写好的!
狮子羔羊 回复 悄悄话 Don't wait for 20 years, start to write it now. I am sure you can write it as bueatful as she did and your story is as excited as you want it to be.