女儿9/16日(星期五)因腿部长了个疮去医疗网内的医生那儿看病,医生局部小麻醉将患处放大,将脓血挤出一些,并取样准备化验, 然后开了抗生素,前后不到20分钟。9/19(星期一)去复诊,被告知星期五的化验样品丢了,得重新取样(又痛一次不说,还耽误了化验的时间)。这次前后看病不知前后多少时间,估计不会长。周四,化验结果出来后,说得换抗生素,所以又得去Walgreen拿新的抗生素,十天的大剂量。几天前(十月中), 我收到了寄来的账单,扣掉保险公司付的,自己要付$289多。我依照账单上的电话号码去查询,对方说保险公司没有全部cover,伤口清洗部分(drain)是自付额deductible部分。放下电话,就觉得不make sense, 每个月交那么多钱(公司交的,加上自己每个payroll扣的), 这是手术费用,又不是什么cosmetic related的东西,为什么不cover, 为什么是自付额部分?又拎起电话打回医生处,问来了procedure code, 并告诉她,我准备跟保险公司交涉,给我点时间,不要把我的Bill送到collection公司。然后就准备打电话问保险公司。中间还有一些其他插曲,例如同事提醒我说, 因为Hipaa, 我不能打,要女儿亲自打,或是要她签一份release等等。 Anyway, 一番周折,跟保险公司询问的结果是,保险公司搞错了。这$289不应该我们付。
医疗保险历来都是个大话题,总统竞选少不了它,改革啊,全民医保啊,拉人心,拉选票。对公司而言,这也是个很大的开销,每个月员工的保险费是很大一部分支出,如果公司财务状况不好,除了裁人,接下来就是通过改变保险计划,如提高员工的自付额(deductible), 而悄无声息地降低公司在医疗保险这部分的支出。从家庭角度,那就更是与自身利益紧紧相关的。一般来说,夫妻最好有一个在公司做,那种benefits比较好的公司,这样就能享受到好的保险,否则个人自己买,贵不说(除非你eligible for obamacare),很多时候还进不了好的医疗网。我有个朋友,她得自己买,一个月付$400多块,据说今年又给她涨了一百多块,20%多的涨幅,这样的保险,还干不了事。她颈椎压迫神经,造成手脚麻,医生建议做MRI,她说做一个$2000多,全部自付,保险不cover,迟迟不肯做,说要等回国内再做。唉,这样的保险有什么用?
再说,保险公司其实是挺黑,常听人说,你做个检查,跟做的地方negotiate,说,我不想通过保险公司做,能不能便宜,结果还居然会更便宜。保险公司是不做赔本买卖的,他们有underwriting部门,每年重新估算,如果今年的理赔成本(claim cost)超过他们的premium收入,那明年就会调高premium rate,所以,羊毛出在羊身上。另外,保险公司里的中介broker,拉一个客户(如一个公司), 介绍成一笔,月月拿佣金(不是一次性的喔),稳坐稳吃,你想这钱哪里出?羊身上出啊。
文章 说60%的美国人担心他们退休后的医疗费用。这其实是不足为奇,美国的医疗昂贵是早有所闻的,贵的可以让你一夜间倾家荡产。现在人的寿命越来越长,需要long-term care 的人越来越多,美国的医疗前景不容乐观。所以,从这个意义上说,健康地活着就是在赚钱。不是有句说法,年轻时拼命赚钱,老了又拿钱去买命。这一定不是我们想要的。我们不能改变这个社会、这个制度,我们能做的,就是最大限度地让自己健康地活着,从现在开始,爱惜自己的身体,远离疾病。
Where shall we retire?
An article in thestreet.com lists " 25 best cities for Retirement Health care" in the U.S. Among them, nine of them are in CA, with Salinas topping at No.2. Although the ranking, provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and JCAHO, is based on the the health care needs and facilities, it raises a question to me. Is CA really such a good place to retire? Where would I retire in decades?
CA is well-known for its sunshine, beaches, wineries, cultural vitality, food, etc. It has warm weather year-round, ideal for retirees. But the high living cost is the main drawback. Look at the property tax bill we recently got. Assuming we are debt-free by the time of retirement, we still have to pay this kind of tax. And if the property value keeps inflated, so will the bill. Think of the mostly million- dollar houses in northern CA, their property tax alone can scare us, not to say there are other expenses, unexpected medical expenses for instance. People may suggest selling the house, but then what about the life quality?
I actually never thought about my retirement. It is still too far away. Maybe I will end up just staying here. Or maybe I can go back to China, or maybe....But in reality, there is no perfect place to retire, or "there is not one place in the world that everyone is going to love." While there is nothing else we can do now, we can always choose to keep fit and stay healthy wherever we live.
I meant "blush," at your compliments.
That, my friend, is the truth. There's no help but self-help (Krishnamurti via Bruce Lee).