
暖冬cool夏 (热门博主)
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翩翩黄蝴蝶 (w English)

(2016-09-11 22:31:13) 下一个
翩翩的蝴蝶本是属于原野山谷的。而今年,只有在今年的夏天和初秋,我却时不时瞥见它出现在家门口。有好几次,我拿起相机冲出去,却怎么也无法追逐着它忙碌的身影、清晰地扑捉到它的靓丽。隔壁的Tom说,因为今年是El nino, 我们才有幸在夏天常常见到它。如果果真如此,蝴蝶,你从哪里来,又将去向何方?若干年后,如果再有El Nino, 你还会翩然而至吗?
Like any sunny day in southern CA, the sun is shining brightly outside. Standing in front of the kitchen window, I was cooking for the lunch.  Butterflies, the golden butterflies, came to my sight again, flittering in the bushes. For the whole summer, and now the early autumn, I have been seeing them flying around, in my area and  in the community. While it is common for butterflies to frequent in the wilderness, it is quite a rare scene for them to appear in this arid season in the community, not at least for years.  They are like a sparkling yellow streak that dances in the air, adding color and liveness to this dull neighborhood. Enticed by its yellow wings,  I grabbed a camera and stepped out in the  hope of captivating its beauty. However graceful they are, the butterflies are busy, and non-stopping, no matter how hard I have tried and how long I have waited under the sun. I had to give up in the end, but the joy of encountering them stays with me in a quiet Sunday afternoon.
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暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 谢谢狮子和波波的来访和鼓励。一时兴起,小文一段,不足挂齿。
思韵如蓝 回复 悄悄话 写得真好!英文写作的好处是将来孩子也可以看。
向你学习。quite Sunday afternoon 是quiet吗?
波城冬日 回复 悄悄话 写的好,喜欢both chinese and english version!
狮子羔羊 回复 悄悄话 beautfully writen. 赞!
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复子乔: Wow, drab, a very good word. Thank you so much! So your vocabulary is big. You must read a lot too. Reading is the best way up. Enjoy!
ziqiao123 回复 悄悄话 Ah, I remember it now, "drab", it is probably a little too dreary in your case -:)
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复子乔:谢谢,过奖了,也有段时间没写,昨日兴致来了,就写了几句。说来有意思,你说的dull这词,我昨日写的时候也在搜索更好的词,我是因为用过一次了(走在周日清晨的社区),所以想换个词,想来想去好像还是这个词比较符合我想表达的意思“色调上的单一”。肯定有别的词的,我也一时想不起来。你那日的翻译非常impressive的,我们互相鼓励。谢谢你的留言。
ziqiao123 回复 悄悄话 你的英文真好,我总是想什么时候用英文写点东西,可提起笔来又很难。有一个地方跟你商榷一下,dull neighborhood , dull是不是可以用另外一个词,但是我现在一下想不起来了。