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ex Machina(优胜机器人,个人翻译)
在一个风景秀丽空旷无人的山谷草地上降落了一架直升飞机,走出一个叫Caleb的年轻编程员,他将要面见公司的老总Nathan, 在此生活一个星期。当他找到那栋坐落在溪流边的房子时,我的心也跟着他走入一个神秘的世界。这是一个戒备森严的封闭式建筑,里面的布局现代,有监控录像,房间与房间之间是厚厚的墙壁,没有窗户,没有通讯信号。房子里面一共住着四个人,Caleb, Nathan, Ava和Kyoto。Ava是Nathan造的一个机器人,有着姣好的女子容貌,头发部分被银光闪闪的金属皮所取代,腰部是透明的,随时发着蓝色美丽的光波,腿也就是由几根钢条组成。然而就是这样一个机器人却被赋予了人性,人的心机,女性的脉脉含情。她利用人的同情恻隐之心和爱慕之情,挑拨caleb和Nathan之间的不信任和矛盾,制造猜疑,从中坐收渔利。
Kyoto 是电影里的另一个女主人,不苟言笑,不懂英文,像一位侍从女仆,伺候两个男人的起居生活。戏剧性的是,她居然是披着人皮的机器人,撕开她的皮肤露出来的是铮铮钢骨。她最终为Ava的逃离助了一臂之力。
电影的画面摄影都极具美感,一度我都觉得穿上漂亮裙子的Ava,不及闪着蓝光,戴着银盔,腿上裸露着钢筋架的机器人美。机器人是由演员Alicia扮演的,至于如何拍出机器身,那一定是高科技的结晶。影片的编剧兼导演Alex Garland获最佳创作剧本提名,影片荣获奥斯卡最佳视觉效果奖,实至名归。
Written and directed by Alex Garland, the sci-fiction movie EX Machina tells a story of how an AI robot outsmarts her creator, the human being, in a Turing test. The story begins when a helicopter takes a young programmer Caleb to a remote land to meet his reclusive boss Nathan, who lives in a house by a stream. The mystery unfolds as he steps into a modern but isolated facility, where it is surrounded by walls without windows, and controlled by surveillance camera. Invented by Nathan, Ava is a humanoid android who can talk, feel and think. She is beautifully crafted with human face, but her hinder brain is clad by silver shining helmet. Her waist part is transparent, through which the inside metals and shimmering blue light can be seen, and her legs are made of metal frame. While Ava's machinery features are obvious from the first sight, the other female Kyoto in the house has a deceived outlook of human being, until later in the movie it is revealed that disguised under her human skin is the metal skeleton. The suspension is built up when in the absence of surveillance, Ava tells Caleb that he should not trust his boss Nathan, and shows her romantic feeling towards Caleb,begging him to take her away with him. The story ends with Caleb being locked and trapped in the sound-proof facility, while Ava successfully escapes via the helicopter that comes to pick up Caleb. Dressed up like human beings, Ava freely walks in the crowd of the city like NY.
Thanks for the review on The Matrix. I felt similarly when I first watched it. But over time, the movie grows on me, especially agent Smith's monologues with Morpheus, e.g., "Let me share a revelation with you ..." Whenever I starts a conversation with my son with that line, he would just laugh. I need to watch "Ex Machina" to form my own view.
I borrowed the DVD Matrix from the library, and finally got to watch last night. Just did some research too, and know that the movie won four Oscars. It was a box office smash at the time. No wonder you think it the best. This movie is far more complicated than Ex Machina, and honestly it is beyond me. I was lost when the movie keeps switching from really to the dream land, the wars between Neo and Smith to free/captivate human beings. Fights, fly, kungfu or wire work are seen in it. Unlike Matrix, Ex Machina has a simple but riveting story. The scenes are bright versus mostly dark in Matrix, and robot Ava is aesthetically pleasing. So Ex caters more to my taste, a woman like me(小女子). It is my personal liking though. Matrix is shot in 1998, while EX Machina is I'm 2015. The world changes people's perception of the robot. I copied below what I found online:
"Ex Machina"'s Nathan Bates is a mix of Victor Frankenstein, Colonel Kurtz, Steve Jobs and Mark zucketberg; he is a man who aspires to put himself at the center of creation. Ava's AI is drawn from his earlier creation, BlueBool, a simulacrum of Google."
Sorry that I said too much about the plot in the review, and it may spoil the surprise you might have without reading this. Did not mean to, though. It would be interesting if we can live to see how robot impacts our life in the future. Maybe the day is not far away at all.
PS:另外几个留言的朋友:不好意思,尚未看future world。
Of course I did and I'd like to share something Mr. Zinsser said in the book On Writing Well:
"You learn to write by writing. It's a truism, but what makes it a truism is that it's true. The only way to learn to write is to force yourself to produce a certain number of words on a regular basis."
Cheers! Keep it up.
How do you compare the two?
I thought it was very hard to better The Matrix.
年轻编程员Caleb在公司的老总Nathan的房子里生活一个星期。房子里面一共住着四个人,Caleb, Nathan, Ava和Kyoto。 Ava是Nathan造的一个机器人,有着姣好的女子容貌。Kyoto 是披着人皮的机器人,伺候两个男人的起居生活。
Ava利用人的同情恻隐之心和爱慕之情,挑拨caleb和Nathan之间的不信任和矛盾,最终逃离。Kyoto 为Ava的逃离助了一臂之力。
ex Machina除了里面的女机器人给人性遐想以外,没有什么亮点。整个故事虎头蛇尾,缺少合理性和想象力。