



(2023-10-16 13:32:52) 下一个


所以我们对孩子的期望值也没那么高,再说我儿子慢热晚熟,他天天出门上学,我都会在家里补一句“地主家的傻儿子上学去了”。而今天儿子的一篇小作文却亮瞎了我的狗眼。我无意在电脑上学校team chat上看到学校老师返回来的儿子作文,我当时正在喝水,差点一口水全喷出来,天哪,13岁,就有这么远大的志向!在一个全体躺平的环境里诞生了一个自己上杆子要爬藤的自鸡娃!我都快笑死了!


There are many prestigious universities or colleges around the world like Harvard, M.I.T., Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge etc., there are several reasons why they have such a renowned reputation and I want to attend one of the universities or colleges for my bucket list. 

First, I want to attend one because I want to have an amazing education in university or college when I get older. I know there is a high chance that I will meet a lot of talented people at a great university. I will get to know and learn from these people. I can also work with them in the future after I graduate. I think that if I graduated from a renowned university, I will be more likely to get a job in a job interview. 

Second, many prestigious universities have made many achievements, either invented new things or improved things that already exist. For example, M.I.T. created the first ion-propelled airplane. The Ion engine has already existed on space craft before it has never been implemented on an airplane before. An Ionic thruster has many advantages over traditional jet propulsion systems on today’s airplanes like having no moving parts for better reliability or maintenance, having way less air pollution and making no noise. Ion engines are the future in aviation air propulsion technology. 

Third, one of the ways I can get to attend a prestigious university is by participating in extracurricular activities. I can attend a prestigious by doing extracurricular activities through Fencing. I am on the fencing provincial team, and I participate in competitions both in and outside of Winnipeg so I can attend by doing good at fencing competition in the country of the university. I can also show my interest in the university I want to attend by taking information sessions, campus tours, and outreach events or show my diversity of skills. 

To conclude, I want to attend a prestigious university for my bucket list, I want to do this because I want to have a great education in university or college, I know that many prestigious universities have made many innovative achievements, and I will attend by participating in extracurricular activities. 

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