

(2025-01-03 13:22:23) 下一个




视频2分钟,感谢看完!娃先用西式的Lobster Thermidor做的龙虾,还调了个白汁(bechamel sauce),这些英文词我都不熟悉,我这一边给娃拍视频,敢情还一边把英文给提高了!意面的做法是娃最喜欢的carbonara,培根蛋面,这种意面最大的特色就是最后一定要浇上鸡蛋和奶酪混合而成的蛋奶汁(下图)。





煮龙虾意面的第一步是把龙虾放进一个大锅里,然后往锅里加水,龙虾应该没过锅。接下来,把火开到最大,把龙虾煮 6 分钟。

6 分钟后,龙虾应该变成鲜红色。把它从锅里拿出来,立即放入一大碗冷水中,停止煮熟。

我们现在要把意大利面煮 6 分钟。水开始沸腾后,我们将 50 克意大利面放入锅中,然后摇晃锅,让所有的意大利面都掉进沸水中。










======= 英文原文 =======

Today my great uncle and aunt are coming over, I am going to cook them a lobster pasta!

If the lobster you pluck out of the tank is very active then you have a good one. 

The first step to cook the lobster pasta is to put the lobster in a big pot, then you are going to add water to the pot, the lobster should be submerged. Next, turn on the heat to high, and boil the lobster for 6 minutes.

After 6 minutes, the lobster should turn bright red. Take it out of the pot, and immediately put into a large bowl of cold water to stop it from cooking. 

We are now going to boil the spaghetti for 6 minutes. Once the water start boiling, we're going to add 50 grams of spaghetti into the pot, then we will shake it, so all the spaghetti falls into the boiling water.

While the spaghetti is cooking, we are going to work on the bechamel sauce. First, we will melt a quarter cup of butter. While the butter is melting, we will dice up half of an onion. Next, we will add the onion into the sauce and cook the onion with butter. Then add a quarter cup of flour. The mixture will turn into a roux. After that, you can add the milk, the roux will turn into a sauce known as bechamel.

While I was busy making the sauce, I asked my dad to help break up the lobster, take all the meat from the lobster, and cut them up into small pieces.

Once my dad was done, I added the lobster meat in the bechamel sauce. We are going to mix them around, so that the lobster meat is completed coated with the sauce.

Bacon has a sweet, smoky, and salty flavor. I will chop up some bacon and add them to the lobster pasta soon.

I also made a carbonara sauce with 2 eggs and a quarter cup of cheese.

Now everything is ready, we will start from cooking the bacon. Once you see oil coming out from the bacon, we can add the bechamel sauce with the lobster meat, then add spaghetti and carbonara sauce.

You are going to mix them around, and then you are going to flip them over, because the lobster still needs to be cooked, especially the claw meat, which is my favorite part of a lobster!

Once done, you can sprinkle black pepper and parsley on top of the lobster pasta, then it is ready to enjoy!

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