Fancy Craft

I would like to present some craft projects of my own.
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别开生面的舞蹈对决:Costume dance rival 化妆舞会,请不要挂城头!

(2015-10-06 19:43:22) 下一个


首先是双方入场式。V方有许多惊艳的造型,你能认出几个?The event started with matching order from both sides. The Villain (V) sides really outdone themselves this time.  Some characters are all-time notoriously favorite, while others are newly introduced in movies. Look at all the vicious characters enterring the parade, can you figure out what characters were they in?

这下面两位是我最喜欢的造型,从服装到配饰都自成一体。The following two are my favoriate costumes. Both ladies looked stunning in person.

看来紫色是他方的主打色。It seems that purple is the theme color for the V side.

真是连摄影师也蛊惑。Even the camera man went crazy with his ghost costume.

他方开始一字排开了。The V side started to line-up.

我方选的是古希腊爱神。这边学校一贯的风格就是浪漫情怀的仙女,法师之类。上几次分别就是童话公主王子,harry potter。这次学校要求很简单,大家都穿白色,学校准备了粉色的心形图案和绿色的带子给大家戴。而几位教练以希腊神的装束示人。The theme for our side is Greek mythology (M). The studio staff aimed for Greek god and goddess. They had an idea for us to be Anteros, and asked us to wear white and made the pink-heart green-belt for us to wear for consistency. It must be the nature of those instructors. For many times, our side choose to be the tender, free-spirits such as fairies and gods. The other sides tends to stay with cool, dark characters, such as heavy metal music stars and villians.

两边都站好队了,中间留有余地,为对决做准备。Both sides were lined up, leaving a alley in-between. This is where most of the actions will be. 

先活跃一下气氛,翻几个跟头,热热场子!To warm-up the floor, someone showed off his cart-wheel and middle-air flips.

不同级别的舞伴轮流上场,由裁判评分。但是周边的人会同时做背景舞者,为自己的队员造势。就是跟着起哄的意思。Now both sides have couples to dance in the alley. Couples at the different levels entered the floor to dance at different period. The judges will mark the winners.

Other liner-up were dancing to the tune freely, while cheering for their team. In a crowd of make-to-believe characters, the dancing experience almost seemed unreal.

最后V方取得了胜利,他们在我方的倒好声中,高兴地跳起了胜利的舞步。As the final scores were in, the V sides won. They re-entered to floor to do a victory dance.

All were very in sync!

对决结果公布过后,真正的高潮是职业舞者的表演。一个生动有趣,激情四射的活动,让人难以忘怀。The night ended up with breath-taking professional shows. Mark an interesting day of dancing and fun!

All that jazz with Foxtrot

Rumba: romance runs deep under the skin.

One of their signature pose.

A woman entangled in the turmoil of love.

Final twirl before the bow.


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