2017 (39)
2018 (68)
2019 (88)
2020 (79)
2021 (86)
2022 (83)
2023 (72)
2024 (45)
Translation: Three things are precious to me and I kept them. They are love,
frugality, and not daring to be the first. Love fills me with courage. I can
afford sharing with others because I myself am cheap to maintain. Not daring
to be the first allows me to grow.
My Understanding: I have never doubted the first two* but used to struggle with
the last one. From very young, we are thrown into the arena to compete and to
be selected and awarded. We want to be the first, in everything. Modern sports,
e.g., have their meets, races, tournaments, etc., where practitioners are pitched
against each other. Big events attract ads, sponsors, and spectators. Well-paid
winners become heroes.
What the Tao says here is that many a winner are distracted and lose their way.
We should be aware of the dark side of being number one and not attach too much
meaning to it so that we can focus on growth in our art. It's not about who are
the first but who have lasted**.
* Stoics proposed practicing poverty so as not to be surprised by fortune. One
more reason for being frugal.
** I'm paraphrasing what I heard first in the jiu-jitsu community.
[The Chinese part was from https://www.daodejing.org/)
> 不敢为天下先 is a result of 中庸之道
I doubt it as the Taoists traditionally despised the Confucians.
Good interpretations and your thoughts!