

买出租房第一条:买在landlord friendly states (美国9个州)

(2014-06-12 21:25:49) 下一个

我的mentor教我,买出租房首先要考虑的就是买在landlord friendly states,因为州法律是保护你的。你如果不是专业的房东,只打理几个出租房,你时间精力经验不足,就有可能遇到专业租房骗子,付你一个月房租,可以住3-6月(如果在非landlord friendly states做evction,打官司)。你如果是专业的房东,花大把时间精力来打理,经验也越来越足,但是随着打理的房子越来越多,迟早会遇到需要做eviction的情况。在landlord friendly states做evction的话,因为州法律是偏向于房东,一般一个月就可以赶走不付房租的房客。经验越足的房客越知道没必要赖下来和你死磕,因为州法律站在你这边。万一需要在landlord friendly states做evction,时间金钱的损失,以及headache都会少很多。

9 US landlord friendly states:

9.)新加一个 North Dakota:说是3天就可以赶走。因为油气开采引来很多外来人口,房少人多,你如果不付房租,3天赶走,其他人还等着搬进来住呢。


1.) Texas
Texas has a reputation for being very pro-landlord and not as kind to its tenants. Texas landlords can evict a tenant for not paying rent, and they wield other powerful advantages over the tenant that they can take advantage of with little or no notice.

2.) Indiana
Indiana’s rental laws definitely favor landlords rather than tenants. For example, before 2002 it was completely legal for landlords to withhold tenants’ security deposits past the standard 45 days. Now, landlords can only be sued for the deposit amount and certain legal fees if they exceed the 45-day due date.

3.) Colorado
The rental laws here are strict and have little tolerance for delinquent tenants. In addition, a landlord can enter the property at any time without providing notice to the tenant.

4.) Arizona
Arizona has strict laws regarding noncompliance with rental agreement and nonpayment of rent. For example, if a tenant provides false information on the rental application, Arizona landlords have the right to deliver a written notice to the tenant and terminate the rental agreement within 10 days.

5.) Florida
One primary reason Florida seems to favor landlords is the lack of rent control laws in Florida. Florida also does not require a written lease, which can sometimes create problems when disputes arise. While recent legislation has been proposed to help better protect tenants, tenants should still be careful before renting in Florida.

6.) Kentucky
Kentucky handles security deposits a little differently than other states. According to Kentucky rental laws, landlords are allowed to withhold security deposits anywhere from 30 to 60 days, depending on tenant disputes regarding deductions. Other than the states that have no statutory deadline, Kentucky has the longest waiting period for tenants to get their security deposits back.

7.) Georgia
Georgia courts are the primary reason why the landlord is favored. Regardless of the reason, tenants who do not pay rent typically lose their eviction cases in Georgia courts. That means, if you feel that your rights have been violated in Georgia, chances are you will lose if you take the matter to court.

8.) Mississippi
Mississippi’s favoritism for landlords dates back to the days of segregation, when landlords had much more power. While today legislation has reigned in the landlord’s power of their tenants, Mississippi landlords still enjoy a number of benefits, including a requirement that tenants keep the rental premises clean and remove all garbage.


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