

New year resolutions - 2021

(2021-01-01 10:23:26) 下一个

I never thought about new year resolutions before. Guess i didn't need them or didn't know what new year resolution meant. This year, somehow, I have the urge to list them. Maybe, they are not exactly resolutions but simply a few things I feel I need to remind myself, list of a few "do" and "don't do" s. Here they are. 

1. Let younger make plan herself. She will learn from her own experience. I cannot hold her hands all the time. 

2. Make good plan but don't worry about future outcomes. One can make plan but cannot control result and future. Make peace with myself by focusing energy on what I can do now instead of worrying about what might happen in future. The challenge and the beauty of life is to appreciate what you have, experience unknowns and move forward no matter what life throws at you. 

3. Spend less time on wechat this year. Read more book written in English. 

4. Spend more time on exercise and finacial planning

My new year resolution in 2021 is to:  turn over a new leaf.


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