
XQQ (热门博主)
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(2013-05-11 11:41:47) 下一个



小儿吃饭素来挑剔,绿叶蔬菜,概不入口。为此,我不得不费尽心机地准备菜肴, 以便让他在不知不觉中消灭些营养菜蔬。某日,全家端坐桌前用餐。两岁小儿忽指丸子,警觉地提醒我,“妈妈, 丸子里面有菜菜”。 “唉, 我把菜切得那么小,你还发现了, 你的眼睛可真尖呀” 我无可奈何。儿瞪圆双目,不解地问:“妈妈, 我的眼睛不是圆的吗?”


一日,浏览孩子的中文期末考卷。 我的目光不由自主地停留在造句上。
老师判了一个对钩。我太能想像到老师阅卷时的抓狂神态了, 就想此刻的我一样。

中文学校毕业了,以后ing?  以后爱啥啥了。
The end.

附上老师提供的准备AP Chinese的十大须知,保你战无不胜。

1.       Choose one form of Chinese arts or crafts ( e.g. brush painting, musical instruments, pottery, embroidery ) in your presentation, describe this art of craft form in detail and explain its significance.

2. Choose one of your favorite Chinese foods. In your presentation, describe it in detail , and then compare and contrast Chinese cuisine with that of another culture. (今年考的就是四川美食,儿子谈了水煮鱼和麻婆豆腐,看来川菜没白吃)

3. Auspicious Chinese symbols ( e.g. peony  flower, dragon, et..) are often found in Chinese business establishments such as restaurants, markets, and shops. Choose and describe on or two of such symbols and state where they would be seen. in your presentation, explain the cultural significance of these symbols.

4. Choose one ancient Chinese invention, then describe its significance.

5. Choose one form of Chinese performing arts ( Beijing Opera, acrobatics, marital arts), describe its significance.

6. Choose one aspect of Chinese family relationships, describe the traditional values embodies in this relationship.

7. Choose one of the Chinese dynasties, state the key facts about this dynasty and explain its significance.

8. Choose one well-known Chinese historical or contemporary structure that you are familiar with ( the Forbidden City, the Great Wall of China, the Bird's Nest, etc.) describe this structure and explain its significance.
9. Choose one famous person you know, what contribution and impact has this person made to the society?
10. What Chinese movies have you watched? Can you talk about what you have learned from this movie regarding the Chinese culture?



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