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Chili Cook-Off

(2013-01-26 09:18:24) 下一个

期待已久的第一届Chili Cook-Off终于在公司拉开了帷幕。15位参赛选手反复切磋,精心烹饪,很认真地为我们献上了充满爱心的一锅锅家庭风味的传统小吃-Chili。要是比试包子饺子,我自然会当仁不让,但这道汤,咱不是内行,不敢献丑。不过没关系,我们可以当评委。

礼堂的前台上,十五个slow cooker整齐地排着一溜儿,番茄味和豆子味相互交融的暖气在空中飘散,开饭了!大伙儿兴致勃勃,排成一行,从每个锅里舀上一勺,然后坐下来煞有介事地开始品尝。每人面前都堆着一叠小碗,有人还作着笔记,一脸严肃的样子。

听说Chili是德州的official dish, 它的主要成分少不了辣椒,肉和豆类这三样,我说什么也要去原产地尝尝。说起辣椒,我小试一圈后发现,虽然每一份Chili都标有1-4个小辣椒,但其spicy的程度只能说是小意思。是不是经过川菜的熏陶,我的味蕾的阈值太高了?肉呢,Chili的全名是Chili con carne,西语译成“带肉Chili”。平常在餐馆点的多以牛肉馅为主,今天我有幸品尝到了培根,香肠,海鲜和火鸡肉等各式肉类,打破了往常Chili味道较为单一的印象。至于豆子,还有点历史。早先,不富裕的人家也想吃Chili,于是,他们急中生智,以杂豆代替肉,久而久之,豆儿渐渐登上了大雅之堂。一碗完美的Chili应该是肉中含豆味,豆里藏肉香,彼此相得益彰。

从风格迥异的十五份作品中遴选出佼佼者还真不是举手之劳的事。有一份名为“Six Sin Chili”着实挑战了众人的味觉。请看这雷人组合吧:巧克力+威士忌+啤酒,很有想像力,对吧? 味道嘛,不说了。抱着负责任的严谨态度,我反复斟酌,相互比较,最终选择了一款“Fire & Ice Chili” (做法附后),因为从传统的风味中,我尝到了菠萝的香甜。对于我们搞R&D的,最推崇的就是创新二字,菠萝的加盟无疑丰富了口感。我心想,来年我若参赛,是不是下块豆腐呢?

最终,“Carl's Chili”折桂。这道Chili味道淳厚,中规中矩,众望所归,无可非议。有趣的是Carl是搞化学的,这让我们不得不对化学家对各种有机成分的掌控能力有了更深的理解。Carl是一位高高大大有点害羞的大男孩,他的夺冠让一众女士感到情何以堪。

Fire & Ice Chili


1 can @ 20 oz & 1 can @ 8 oz Pineapple chunks in juice

1 can @ 20 oz & 1 can @ 8 oz Pineapple chunks in juice

2 cans (14.5 oz. each) diced tomatoes, undrained

1 can (6 oz.) tomato paste

1 can (4 oz.) diced green chiles

~1/2 can red kidney beans spiced for chili

2 tablespoon finely chopped jalapeno chiles (canned)

1 medium Onion, chopped (about 1 cup)

1 Green Bell Pepper, seeded, chopped

3 cloves garlic, finely chopped & divided (3 portions)

3 tablespoons chilipowder

4 teaspoons ground cumin

1 teaspoons salt

1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1/2 teaspoon hot red pepper flakes

1 tablespoon olive oil

~3 pounds lean boneless pork loin, cut into 1-inch cubes Serve with sliced green onions, shredded Cheddar cheese, sour cream and corn chips (all optional)


Drain pineapple chunks, reserve juice.

Whisk together reserved juice with tomato paste, rinse paste can out with a little water.

Add the chili powder, cumin, jalapeno chilis, cayenne pepper and pepper flakes.

Add the diced tomatoes, onions, bell pepper & kidney beans to the spice/paste/juice mix.

Heat oil in a large saucepan. Add garlic for a couple of minutes then add the meat. Brownmeat on all sides in batches. (Don't overcrowd pot. Add just enough meat to cover the bottom, recommend browning in 2 or 3 batches each with a little sautéd garlic)

Spoon browned pork into bottom of crockpot; pour vegie/spice mixture over pork.

Cover; cook on Low 6 to 8 hours or High 3 to 4 hours or until pork is tender.

Add water if too thick and salt to taste.

Add pineapple chunks during last 30 - 60 minutes of cooking. Serve with green onions, cheese, sour cream, fritos, etc etc etc

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