“From: ?XXX@hotmail.com
To: ?tjmcoaapost@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [tjmcoaapost] 求助:编印《裘法祖》画册需补拍的照片
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 07:09:15 +0000
Dear Teacher Chen and Alumni,
In response to your recent request for a book on Prof. Qiu’s memories, I have selected a few pictures taken from our latest tour in Germany approximately three-months ago after an academic meeting at Basel, Switzerland. We were lucky enough to reach Munich in the lost night of this year’s Oktoberfest (Bavaria’s beer festival), so the two photos were taken during the evening time. (回应你最近关于出版裘教授记念书籍的请求,我选择了一些在德国旅行的照片,这个旅行发生在大约三个月前,在我参加完一个在瑞士巴塞尔举行的学术会议后。我们非常幸运在慕尼黑的Oktoberfest(巴伐利亚啤酒节)的最后一个晚上抵达那里,所以两张照片是在晚上拍摄的)
The pictures were labeled by the names of the locations, including Lindau on the bank of the lovingly Lake Constance that separates Swiss and Germany; (Bayern) Bavaria’s countryside small towns Fussen where the famous Neuschwanstein castle located and Eisenberg,as well as the Nuremberg. All those places were in the distances of two to three hours train-ride to Munich, the relative close places on America or China’s standard. One photo was for Dresden which was taken through the train’s window when we were traveling from Prague to Berlin. Nuremberg and Dresden, the two famous medieval towns, were basically destroyed by Allied’s most catastrophic bombing attacks during the war, but impressively both of cities were rebuilt to their historical atmospheres. As you might be aware, Nuremberg was Hitler’s ideal base and after the war also served as a place to trial the WWII criminals. (我以位置标记照片,包括位于迷人的博登湖畔的小城林道,该湖分隔德国和瑞士。巴伐利亚的乡村小城福森和埃森伯格,还有历史名城纽伦堡,福森为著名的新天俄堡所在地。这些地方都距离慕尼黑两至三小时的火车距离,对于美国和中国来说为很近的地方。有张德累斯顿的照片是在从布拉格去柏林的火车上经窗户拍的。纽伦堡和德累斯顿这二座中世纪古城在二战中几乎被盟军摧毁,现在又重新回到了昔日的辉煌。或许你已经知道,纽伦堡曾经是希特勒纳粹思想的发源地之一,也是战后审讯纳粹战犯的地方)
You would also appreciate a variety of pictures covering Berlin and its suburban Potsdam. I am not sure that these photos in the attachment would satisfy the detail requirements you have designed for the book, but I am pretty confident that they indeed represent the landscape and culture environments where Qiu had spent his youth years there. We went through our Tongji years when Qiu and his beautiful wife’s walk was a daily theme on the campus, looking back their life-long’s love story was initiated in the gorgeous mountainous area of Germany’s Alps.(你也能欣赏一些覆盖柏林及其郊区波茨坦的照片。我不知道这些照片是否符合你所谈及的书的要求,但我比较自信地说,它们确实反映了裘教授年轻时所经历的自然和人文环境。我们的同济岁月是在裘教授和他的漂亮太太的散步作为一景的校园里度过的,现在回想起来,他们终身的爱情故事正是发源于德国这些美丽的阿尔卑斯山脉)
We have been taught an enormously amount of stories associated with Germany, first through instructors or classmates within the campus and later on from our mentors who had been trained in Germany. Munich was one of the powerhouses of Germany’s medical research in the era before Hitler’s war. In a reference note, Johns Hopkins was the first medical school in the United States that mimics the German system in which teaching and research were combined on the line of medical education. Graduating from Munich University Medical School and subsequent establishing his own practice was simple enough to speak for Qiu’s outstanding quality among his peers in a very exclusive foreign land. (我们被告知大量的德国故事,开始是通过同济的老师和同学们,后来则是来自那些在德国受训过的导师。 慕尼黑在希特勒发动战争前曾经是德国的医学研究重镇。作为一个参照,美国霍普金斯大学正是仿照德国系统创办的,那就是将教学和科学研究融汇于医学教育中。 毕业于慕尼黑大学医学院和随后在德国建立自己的行医业务,已经证明裘法祖在那个十分排外的环境里的优异表现)
Qiu had all of the reasons to stay in Germany to raise a family and enjoy his comfortable life as a practicing surgeon. It would not be so exaggerated for us to say that modern China’s surgical subspecialty is greatly benefited from Qiu’s decision to bring the whole family home. His talent and his dedicated life-long service through Tongji had not only introduced western medical concepts but also transformed the medical practice in ancient China.(裘法祖拥有任何理由留在德国,在那里养育后代,并且享受作为外科医生的舒适生活。我们应该毫不夸张地说,现代中国外科得益于他当年做出的带领全家回国的决定。他的才华和他通过同济的终身服务,不仅将西方医学概论传到中国, 而且彻底改变了古老中国的医学实践)
雅美之途 (E81-2)
St. Louis, Missouri
P.S. Due to the possibly large size of the file, the photos might be sent through several emails. (因为文件太多,会用几个电子邮件送出)
所谓的“中国外科之父”,是谁封的?要说“中国医学之父”,只能是外国人,当属北京协和医学院第一任校长Franklin C. McLean莫属。可惜他在Wikipedia里,只有英文,连中文都没有。