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昨天得知我们高中种族冲突的升级,根据一位黑人母亲在脸书上的描述:在艺术课里,黑人学生被白人学生逼到教室的墙角欺负。白人学生将热的胶合物(hot glue) 放在她儿子的椅子上,让她儿子坐后造成屁股烫伤。这还不够,那位白人学生还用热胶合物烫伤黑学生的手臂,烧伤程度之严重可从上图中得知。该黑人妈妈把整个事件的描述和三度烫伤的照片放在脸书上,已经诱发全美媒体的关注与报道。
那位黑人妈妈说孩子在学校遭遇种族歧视的攻击是常事,包括让黑人坐船回非洲的言语伤害。但是我们的孩子在这个密苏里相当著名的公立高中里则基本没有遇到过明显的种族歧视, 族群自我隔离现象倒是相当明显。我们高中的官方网页也澄清那位投放热胶合物的学生不是白人学生,据说是拉丁裔,这与黑人妈妈的陈述有出入。也有可能这位黑人妈妈扯了谎,学生之间的恶作剧经常发生,这事件可能与种族仇恨没有关系。
“I'm sure some of you have heard of the many hate crimes, racial slurs, racial acts and acts of violence going on since the election. Specifically surrounding Ladue Horton Watkins High School. There was an incident that took place on the bus where the white students suggested and chanted that the black kids should all go sit in the back of the bus (just last week) some already know my son attends Ladue he's a sophomore. Nov 10th last week he was cornered in the classroom by a Caucasian student antagonized and taunted with a hot glue gun.. Several times this student poked my sons arm with a hot glue gun, squeezed out a big blotch in my sons chair, not knowing he sat in it, resulting in his bottom being burned. That wasn't it. This student continued by squeezing out hot glue on a piece of paper and slapping it on my sons arm. He now has a 3rd degree burn. First thing Friday I went to the school demanded a principal and was told I need to schedule an appointment, first appoint available was Tuesday of the following week. After demanding to speak with someone now I was told someone will call me. My sons principal did call back, however was to follow up. To date we have yet to speak with or hear back from a principal from the school. Ladue has to be one of the most racial profiling schools in Saint Louis MO. This is sickening what is happening to our children and the response and action the district is taking when it comes to African American students. It saddens me. After a anti racism/bullying meeting today I learned that this problem has been in this district for years and years now. With little to no consequences. Get to the back of the bus, being burned and being told get on the ship to go back to Africa is just a piece of what this district has going on and try to sweep it all under the rug."
那位黑人妈妈说孩子在学校遭遇种族歧视的攻击是常事,包括让黑人坐船回非洲的言语伤害 --- 以前有,不是“政治正确”的问题,但是现在借着有,就是“政治不正确”的问题了?
白人之间,黑人之间, 亚洲人之间就没有了?