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UAAFA (美亚团结促进会)反对SCA5的广告。广告所述的UC亚裔学生数会降低到现在的三分之一的预测并不准确。
加州民众在1996年的公投中以54%通过了名为209的宪法修正案,禁止在州级学校录取时考虑种族因素;密西根州于2006年以58%比42%确定了与加州相似的法案,如今美国有七个州禁止平权法案。美国从法律界到民众都认为平权法案的终结进入了倒记时,普林斯顿大学的研究种族教育的著名学者THOMAS ESPENSHADE曾在《纽约时报》撰文坦诚平权法案已经进入它的历史使命的夕阳岁月。就是在这样的大潮流下,我们看到了西裔参议员贺南德兹的SCA5, 要求将种族因素再次加人到录取的过程中,并且令人气愤的是,三位华裔参议员为了自身的饭碗全部投了赞成票。谈及饭碗,那帮常春藤的教授们支持平权也有部分原因是为了他们的饭碗。因为平权招进去的学生很多都在底层毕业,或者不毕业,更明显的是不合格的平权学生学不了数学,科学或工程等相对难的专业,纷纷转向历史等容易的人文专业,这样那帮耶鲁教授的饭碗就有保障了。这些都是有社会学研究结果支持的事实。
UCLA的法学教授Richard Sander在研究了非洲裔在美国具有竞争力大学的表现后得出结论,受平权法案照顾进去的非洲裔不仅上名校对他们助益有限,反而因为不匹配会给他们带来更多的痛苦。也就是说,不合格的学生靠照顾进入了不够自己水准的大学后只好在底层挣扎,反而是对他们自信心的一种伤害。他在The Atlantic发表的关于平权法案的文章更是列出了一系列意料中的发现:首先,非洲裔学生如果入校时是选的科学和工程的专业,他们将会两倍于白人放弃于这种相对较难的职业追求;再者,非洲裔进入大学时若想继续深造读博士,如果读的是不匹配的大学他们将会两倍于匹配的大学放弃读博士的念头;第三,大约一半的非洲裔大学生处于他们班级里的底层的20%;另外,不能通过律师资格考试的非洲裔法学院毕业生是白人学生的四倍。与此同时,加州209法案实施后,凭自身本领而不是靠政策照顾入学的非洲裔学生在UCLA的毕业率则大幅增加。
与这次加州立法院带有鲜明种族歧视色彩的SCA5相比,前不久华裔走上街头抗议的ABC Jimmy Kimmel Show的不当言论简直是毛毛雨。加州华裔为我们华夏子孙在美国的发展仍需努力去做立法游说,重点当然是那些民主党亚裔众议员,包括北加州众议员方文忠。现在西裔参议员在三位华裔议员的周旋下,同意暂时将SCA5搁置以便有更多的时间去听取亚裔社区的意见,但搁置远非放弃,华裔的压力应该持续到该法案不会在11月公投才算胜利。
但是我们必须指出,大量反SCA5的言论存在着不少偏激的预测,拿来做辩白的证词有时会适得其反。事实是,即使SCA5实施也不可能将UC亚裔学生人数从40%降到与亚裔在加州人口比例相当的15-18%, 降到与存在亚裔配额的常春藤一样,那是不可能的。原因很简单,因为作为州立大学的UC,没有经费像藤那样对每位申请学生进行综合评议,并且UC必须公平对待人口还在增长的亚裔优秀申请学生;另一个错误的预测是,如果加州法案通过将会蔓延到全美国,加州作为政治极端自由的州,它的法律不可能影响全美其他的州,就像209法案实施二十年来也只有七州跟进一样。与此同时,也没有太多的美国州拥有加州这么大比例的西裔人口。
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Wesley Chesbro(North Coast)
710 E Street, Suite 150, Eureka, CA 95501
Tel:(707)445-7014 Fax:(707)445-6607
Richard Pan(Sacramento)
2251 Florin Road, Suite 156, Sacramento CA 95822
Phone:(916)-262-0999 Fax:(916)262-0995
Ken Cooley(Sacramento)
2729 Prospect Park Drive, Suite 130, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Tel:(916)464-1910 Fax:(916)464-1915
Email:assemblymember.cooley@assembly.ca.gov & ken@kencooley.com
Mariko Yamada(Southern Sacramento Valley, Wine Country, & North Bay)
725 Main Street Suite 206, Woodland, CA 95695
Tel:(530)662-7867 Fax:(530)662-6370
Marc Levine(North Bay)
3501 Civic Center Drive, Room 412, San Rafael, CA 94903
Tel:(415)479-4920 Fax:(415)479-2123
Email:assemblymember.levine@assembly.ca.gov & levineforassembly@gmail.com
Rob Bonta(Central East Bay of the Bay Area)
1515 Clay Street, Ste. 2204, Oakland, CA 94612
Phone:(510)286-1670 Fax:(510)286-1888
Joan Buchanan(East Bay)
2694 Bishop Dr., Ste. 275, San Ramon, CA 94583
Tel:(925)328-1515 Fax:(925)328-1514
Tom Ammiano(San Francisco)
455 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 14300, San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone(415)557-3013 Fax(415)557-3015
Email:assemblymember.ammiano@assembly.ca.gov & tom.ammiano@asm.ca.gov
Phil Ting(丁右立)(San Francisco & San Mateo County)
455 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 14600, San Francisco, CA 94102
Tel:(415)557-2312 Fax:(415)557-1178
Email:assemblymember.ting@assembly.ca.gov & phil@philting.com
Kevin Mullin(San Francisco Peninsula)
1528 South El Camino Real, Suite 302, San Mateo, CA 94402
Tel:(650)349-2200 Fax:(650)341-4676
Email:assemblymember.mullin@assembly.ca.gov & kevin@kevinmullin.com
Rich Gordon(San Francisco Peninsula suburbia into Silicon Valley)
5050 El Camino Real, Suite 117, Los Altos, CA 94022
Tel:(650)691-2121 Fax:(650)691-2120
Paul Fong(方文忠)(Silicon Valley)
2105 South Bascom Avenue, Suite 160, Campbell, CA 95008
Tel:(408)371-2802 Fax:(408)371-2809
Email:assemblymember.fong@assembly.ca.gov & paul@paulfong.org
Bob Wieckowski(East Bay and Silicon Valley)
39510 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite 280, Fremont, CA 94538
Tel:(510)440-9030 Fax:(510)440-9035
Mark Stone(Monterey Bay)
701 Ocean Street, 318-B, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Tel:(831)425-1503 Fax:(831)425-2570
Email:assemblymember.stone@assembly.ca.gov & info@friendsofmarkstone.org
Das Williams(Santa Barbara and Ventura)
101 W. Anapamu Street, Suite A, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Tel:(805)564-1649 Fax:(805)564-1651
Email:assemblymember.Williams@assembly.ca.gov & das.williams2014@gmail.com
Ed Chau(周本立)(San Gabriel Valley)
1255 Corporate Center Dr. Ste 306, Monterey Park, CA 91754
Tel:(323)264-4949 Fax:(323)264-4916
Tel:(626)403-3033 Fax:(626)403-3022
Email:assemblymember.chau@assembly.ca.gov & edchau4assembly@gmail.com
Mike Gatto(Eastern end of the San Fernando Valley)
300 East Magnolia Boulevard, Suite 504, Burbank, CA 91502
Tel:(818)558-3043 Fax:(818)558-3042
Email:assemblymember.gatto@assembly.ca.gov & mg@mikegatto.com
Al Muratsuchi(South Bay, Beach Cities and the Palos Verdes Peninsula)
3460 Torrance Blvd., Suite 306, Torrance, CA 90503
Tel:(310)316-2164 Fax:(310)316-2480
Email:assemblymember.muratsuchi@assembly.ca.gov & info@alforassembly.com
Richard Bloom(West Los Angeles)
2800 28th Street, Suite 150, Santa Monica, CA 90405
Tel:(310)450-0041 Fax:(310)450-6090
Email:assemblymember.bloom@assembly.ca.gov & richard@richardbloom.com
Toni Atkins(San Deigo)
1350 Front St., Room 6054, San Diego, CA 92101
Tel:(619)645-3090 Fax:(619)645-3094
Email:assemblymember.atkins@assembly.ca.gov & toniatkinsforassembly2012@gmail.com
下面是请愿文章的范例, 发文章时称呼对方用First Name就可以, 写自己的名字的时候最好是First Name+Last Name, 这样看起来比较正式有力.
Dear XXX,
I hereby urge you to vote NO to SCA-5! As SCA-5 will roll back the clock to the days when students were discriminated against based on their race. SCA-5 hide under the disguise of equal opportunity. However SCA-5 is in fact the antithesis of equal opportunity as it demands equal outcomes. But true equity demands fair outcomes for all. The injustice of disparities in any population is when equity is diminished. It is communism in essence since resources are to be divided equally. It will destroy the incentive to excel and compete and drag down U.S. competitiveness in the long run.
Lawmakers need to work on bills which applies to everyone regardless of their race for improvements in the quality of education for poor communities or for closing the gap where students have underachieved. What messages are we sending to our children that they should be treated differently because of their race, instead of their efforts and qualifications?
Therefore I strongly urge you to fight against SCA-5. I have a dream, do you? Everyone in our community will pay close attention to this matter.
Thank you,
Dear XXX:
Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. This bill is to include race as a factor to provide preference in college admissions. I firmly believe that this is against the fundamental principles of U.S. law and the American legal system. All men are equal regardless of race.
Therefore, I strongly urge you to vote NO on this matter. Your vote is very important to everyone in our community.
Thank you,
Dear XXX,
Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. SCA-5 proposed using race as a factor in college admissions. I urge you to fight against SCA-5. Just as Martin Luther King, Jr. said 41 years ago, no children should be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Your child(ren)deserve this dream. Every American child deserves this dream. Don't you agree? It is about right or wrong. This is where the difference comes between a politician and a statesman/woman.
It's your choice which side you're on. I have a dream, do you? The people who shares the same dream as Martin Luther King, Jr. will remember your choice. They will decide who they vote for, who they send money to, and who they canvass for.
Best regards,
Dear XXX,
Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. It is pure racism! My kids future is as important as anyone's kids. Why two individuals at the same level of education might differ in their college admissions? What century do we live in? This is supposedly a country that believes in equality.
I strongly urge you to fight against SCA-5. Otherwise, no more votes and donations from me and all my relatives and friends for you or any Democrats. Everyone in our community will pay close attention to this issue.
Dear XXX,
Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. Objection to any law that allow any discrimination against, or granting preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race in the operation of public education. Racial discrimination is wrong, whichever way it goes, in whatever name. If diversity is the point of preferences, why only in college admissions? Why not in the recruitment process of government agencies? in entertainment, in sports...
I strongly urge you to fight against SCA-5. All men are equal regardless of race. Otherwise, no more votes and donations from me and all my relatives and friends for you or any Democrats. Everyone in our community will pay close attention to this issue.
Best regards,
Dear XXX,
Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. I am impressed that this clear violation of constitutional law could even pass the senate! What are senators doing? How do we explain to our children that what they've been taught on equal opportunity is no longer true. It has been amended. Martin Luther King, Jr. said I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. But it is no longer in accord with reality. Why don't we amend the employment standards after college admissions? So those who are entitled to privileges in admission could automatically get government jobs?
I strongly urge you to fight against SCA-5. All men are equal regardless of race. Otherwise, no more votes and donations from me and all my relatives and friends for you or any Democrats. Everyone in our community will pay close attention to this issue.
Dear XXX,
Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. This bill is total racism. What a degradation! It's a waste of public money for those senators working on this nonsense. The rational behind the bill is totally ridiculous. We believe in the right of education for all Californians. California should not enrolled students based on race rather than qualifications.
I strongly urge you to fight against SCA-5. Otherwise, no more votes and donations from me and all my relatives and friends for you or any Democrats. Everyone in our community will pay close attention to this issue.
Dear XXX,
Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."---Martin Luther King, Jr. Do we helping Martin Luther King's dream(which is my dream too)? Do we punish hard working students by racial preferences? Is this the right way to promote better education for California?
I strongly urge you to fight against SCA-5. Otherwise, no more votes and donations from me and all my relatives and friends for you or any Democrats. Everyone in our community will pay close attention to this issue.
Dear XXX,
Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. The only barrier for student of any colors for higher education is their work enthusiasm. How about we do the same thing for the State Assembly? Candidate must collect certain amount of votes(scores in S.A.T.)to be qualified, then by using qualified candidates’ race and ethnic background to decide if he/she can become a member of the California State Assembly. Because "We need to ensure that the State Assembly reflects our changing population".
I strongly urge you to fight against SCA-5. Students should be admitted based on merits, not race! Otherwise, no more votes and donations from me and all my relatives and friends for you or any Democrats. Everyone in our community will pay close attention to this issue.
Dear XXX,
Please vote NO on SCA 5 as it is a racist bill. It promotes discrimination by judging people based on their race. Admission to any school among other things, should solely based on their own merit and not on their color, race, and etc. I believe preferential treatment based on race in college admission is not the right practice. In addition it violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
I strongly urge you to vote "No" on SCA 5. Students deserve have an equal opportunity in the college admission process regardless of their race. Thank you for listening to the voice of your people.
Dear XXX,
Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. This is ridiculous and is so wrong! This is a reverse discrimination. This proposition limits the opportunity of certain kids to attend the University of California because of their races. Higher education should be offered to those who can do it.
I strongly urge you to fight against SCA-5. Students deserve have an equal opportunity in the college admission process regardless of their race. Otherwise, no more votes and donations from me and all my relatives and friends for you or any Democrats. Everyone in our community will pay close attention to this issue.
Best regards,