
学习基本英语(核心英语)LEARNING BASIC ENGLISH - Chapter 3,4

(2020-06-30 12:55:39) 下一个

正常英语Normal English。指平时大家学习使用的英语。
基本英语Basic English。指从正常英语中精简提炼后的核心英语



The Rules


Reminder List of Basic Detail

1.名次单复数,物主代词, 翻身代词等(men's, their, ourselves, mine);

2.词性转变(a light color淡色 / a light touch轻触)。

3.比较级的规则变化和不规则变化:-er, -est : more, most; less, least; better, best; worse, worst; farther, farthest or further, furthest.

4.后缀-ly 的构词:possibly, probably, certainly 以及:angrily, simply等.

    5.         用not构成否定,进而使用un- 的否定意义。  

    6.         用 -er, -ing, -ed 结尾构成新词。(a) 新的名词: the whistling of the farmer; (b) 新的形容词: the damaged end of the sloping roof; the end has been damaged; the roof is sloping

    7.         将单词组合形成复合词。postcard, overseer, beeswax, upside dawn, looking glass, good-looking, left-handed, 等

    8.         使用语义延伸:the leg of a chair, the seed of an idea.




Chapter Four 
The Simplification of Grammar

    Basic leaves such detail till a later stage. After all, people learned to speak and write their native language very effectively long before there were grammar rules to explain to them bow it was done. Basic gives only practical rules that help a beginner to get results. It gives him a straight, an orthological start. It saves him from broken English by not teaching him verbs like "break." Even if he is prevented by circumstance from going on to wider English in good time, he can always handle pocket English grammatically with his Basic kit. And he can do this without having grammatical terminology mentioned to him at all unless you want to use it. 



"I'm only expected to drill on 18 verbs." 

This comes as a relief from the average first-year course with its tedious memory load and endless opportunities for errors which the teacher must correct.

The Basic beginner doesn't try to use announce or advertise until he can handle the plain verb say. 

Only experience with language teaching makes one see what manipulatory problems can arise with simple-seeming verbs like water, look, think, and warm, and what a sound plan it is to keep the first two and thought to noun uses and their extensions in the system, and warm to an adjective. 

On the other hand, teachers of language have grown so used to wrong past tenses of verbs like bind, to omissions of the verb to be in places where it is needed, to confusions over where to include the sign of the infinitive and the article and to the complete frustrations of beginners, over the mysteries of the English preposition that they often don't believe such troubles can be avoided. They need demonstrations of the effectiveness of teaching texts like The Basic Way to English and Learning the English Language, with results too good to be explained away on the grounds that the teacher is an expert and the class particularly gifted or industrious.


Naturally, students of the language who have had a bad start with English but know they have invested years of study in it at first may feel dismay at being turned back to a small vocabulary and simple sentences. But the more intelligent they are the more readily they come to see that drill with common statement patterns built up of widely useful words is what they need. An able surgeon from Peru will ask for three weeks of Basic structure pat- terns so that he can present a paper on obstetrics at the medical school where he is visiting. The medical terminology he has in common with the doctors he is to address. It is the frame-work of simple English statement that he needs, and he finds with relief that Basic can give it to him.

语言描述具体东西和事件,一开始就说有用的而不是学些空洞的东西。 主谓宾机构用具体动词加实物表述(giving/getting/tutting/getting)。抽象的东西压后接触。




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