
今天刚学了个词: 慕课。慕课是什么?

(2020-12-14 17:20:38) 下一个


MOOC是Massive Open Online Course(大规模在线开放课程)的缩写,是一种任何人都能免费注册使用的在线教育模式。MOOC有一套类似于线下课程的作业评估体系和考核方式。每门课程定期开课,整个学习过程包括多个环节:观看视频、参与讨论、提交作业,穿插课程的提问和终极考试。

MOOC(Massive Open Online Courses) 的核心是:将教育的全过程在互联网上实施。相较而言,公开课只是将“授课”这个环节搬到网上。这就是本质区别。

MOOC is the abbreviation of Massive Open Online Course, an online education mode that anyone can register for free. MOOC has a set of homework evaluation system and assessment methods similar to offline courses. Each course starts regularly, and the whole learning process includes multiple links: watching videos, participating in discussions, submitting homework, interspersed with course questions and final exams.

The core of MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) is to implement the whole process of education on the Internet. In comparison, open classes just move the part of "teaching" to the Internet. This is the essential difference.

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