
The way I read Gatsby

(2012-09-21 08:22:02) 下一个


I share some similar thinking with LiTang's way of reading of the novel, skimming and scanning of the whole to get a general idea of it, for the appreciation of the novel as a whole. However, I treated this a little differently as I was applying this technicque to a Chapter instead of the novel as a whole.

Here's what I'd like to share as I think I've got the most, in this way, from the reading activity. Read the chapter though (skimming & scanning) to get a general idea of it, thus, I can have an overal picture of what is illustrated and can, meanwhile, enjoy the writing as a whole, moreover, I'll have the unfamiliar words labeled out, during this process, by highlighting them, especially those words that I have seen but couldn't get the exact meaning, or those words which I can guess the meaning via context. 

Then I come back to read the Chapter again, paying more attention to those paragraphs or sentences bearing those hightlighted words/sentences, read them several times until I can figure out their meaning, and, at the same time, highlight the remaining new words (which I'd have to look up the dictionary). 

Till now, I could grab most of the infromation that the author intended to convey, and by refering to the discussions from net peers I understand more, most importantly I could assimilate most of those highlighted words/phrases and are familiar with their usages as well(at least the one usage in this scenario, as I recite the sentences numerous times until it/they don't feel strange to me). I think this is the proper way (at least for me) to enlarge vocabulary (just like most of the middle school students here who read broadly without looking up dictionary untill, in the end, they are walking dictionaries themselves, they have accumulated a large vocabulary by so doing.)

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