
Plosives and Rhythms - (2-3)

(2012-04-02 12:30:53) 下一个


 Stop eating / stop talking / he stopped talking.

More examples:

a pet hen / a p
et duck / a pecked duck.
a dry tea-cup / a whi
te tea-cup / a wiped tea-cup.
to knock out / knocked out / knocked down.
a hatter / an
actor /act two.
to ask us / he as
ked us / he asked twice.
we hope
it does / we hope to go / we hoped to go.
stop him / we sto
pped once / we stopped twice.
drop it ! / I dro
pped it / I dropped two.
kick him ! / k
ick Tom / he kicked Tom.


Smooth rhythms of the type duh Da duh (we have to) etc. are broken into the uneven rhythms of duh D’ duh (we had to) under the influence of certain combinations of plosives (p b t d k g).

We have to …  duh Da duh
We had to …  duh D(a) duh ( or: duh D’ duh)

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