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Keanu Reeves <<Constantine >>Voice i

(2024-11-07 18:54:37) 下一个

Keanu Reeves <<Constantine >>Voice in the Wilderness

A masterpiece of occult storytelling. A classic film version of the graphic novel.

Keanu Reeves said this is the one character that he’s always wished he could revisit to do a sequel, but hasn’t been able to. Viewers can agree that it’s a true masterpiece of filmmaking and visual effects that stands in a league of its own.

John Constantine was a great comic book character, and Keanu played him so beautifully. The whole cast is amazing; the Lucifer scene still gives me goosebumps; everything was so well done, it makes you forget it is a comic book movie. It is just a great movie. We may never get a sequel, but I am glad we got this!

It is also a constant reminder that here on earth, nothing is what it seems. What a story! Such great screenplay! Every character can get their own separate movie! So many things happening! The background score! All put together, this is epic! I can't imagine this any other way!

Some people want to live in a world where everyone sounds the same, looks the same, dresses the same, and is void of abstract thought. I thank the universe that the world hasn't totally become partial to this ideal of the depraved.


Constantine | Full Movie.

36.5K subscribers
8,161,155 views Dec 10, 2023 UNITED STATES

John Constantine has been to Hell and back again. If he teams up with a policewoman to solve the mysterious suicide of her twin sister, their investigation takes them through the world of angels and demons that is beneath the landscape of contemporary Los Angeles.

Genre: Drama Fantasy Horror

The interaction of the trio (God, Lucifer, and Constantine) at the end of the movie with the sacrifice and the finder with the cure of the cancer just for the opportunity to make the mistake so Lucifer could sometime in the future to win the soul of Constantine is the MOST AMAZING PART OF MOVIE, AND I BELIEVE THE HOLE MEANING OF HER TO!!! best wishes, guys,from Athens, Greece

On Earth, everything is what it is. But no world view is ever a reflection of the exact truth. Since every world is just private & personal, believed individually. Individual = in dividing duality.


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