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(Peter O\'Toole, Jodie Foster)SVENGALI (1983)

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SVENGALI (1983) - Full Movie - (Peter O'Toole, Jodie Foster)

892 subscribers
239,041 views Jun 26, 2016
Aspiring young singer Zoe Alexander (Jodie Foster) is coached by famous and brutal former stage performer, Anton Bosnyak (Peter O'Toole) in hopes of landing a record deal. Their often tumultuous working relationship grows into a deep bond...... Music and Songs by John Barry/Don Black
look at her as calm as a pig when I was performing before I went on I had rats
in my stomach look at this sound Anton we should just cool it with all the
animals you are going to make her nervous Tan's here everything's gonna be all
right I'd like you to stay in the front row though is that okay you want me there boxes nearer
see you I think he took it just leave me alone for a little bit
from that took us
Hey Zoey this is it rock the house okay
hello [Applause]
hello [Music] [Applause]
[Music] yes [Applause]
[Music] I never [Music]
had no [Music] [Applause] you never know that you've been missing
my hands [Music]
so moving closer lover boy [Music] [Applause]
[Music] [Applause]
foreign [Music] [Applause]
[Music] [Applause]
to you you know get in some feeling deep down
could be [Music]
there's no more wait and see
's again [Music]
must I have somebody [Music]
[Applause] in my heart could be
[Music] [Applause]
[Music] [Applause]
all right [Applause]
hey you ripped him up you were great not now okay
you're gonna say I'll kill you I'll kill you you could have destroyed me in front of
the whole world oh well I wouldn't call that herd of intoxicated infants representative of the whole world don't
turn away from me allow me to take off my coat what if it hadn't worked huh irrelevant it worked it went out bad and
you sang without me present as your PIN is the companies lucky charm what do you want for me I feel pecked by chicks
chicks I'm talking to you don't say what you
mean clearly and unclench your fists what are you gonna stop manipulating everybody huh you're stupid
yes tonight shows that the problem is all in you napping me
don't put things the wrong way around each other that's what you trust trust how many Arrangements have you
made when I wasn't looking Arrangements they all compose music
Johnny the guitarist you forgot to mention it was your bloody lover
needed a job I felt sorry for him you know there are some people who help out their friends
entire generation you're not onto yourselves why am I always two steps ahead of you now let me tell you
something the world does not collapse every time you stop looking at it oh
I've had it I've stepped the thread of the old boy
God foreign
ah [Music] I never believed that you could be so
ugly [Music]
just giving it a love I'll murder that
thank you
no at the moment I am not taking any pupils
[Laughter] [Music] foreign
[Music] I am fine
waiter look I happen to love you
and I'm worried about you it's allowed isn't it [Music]
there she is acted again I see
work you must get back to work
thank you I am still recuperating from your last little discovery
she's getting married on Saturday yes sir
foreign [Music]
I couldn't go through with it anytime
I don't love him I love you
I see
I thought you'd be happy to see me
love me anymore
I Will Always Love You
let me remind you of something we both managed to forget
together you and I had a sacred mission
the word teach means to make known when you came to me you didn't know what
you were who you were nothing together
we made your voice known to you and we made it known to you by making
yourself known to you
the sounds of loving that you make
your sounds of endurance your betrayals
I think I betrayed you it doesn't matter
together we were able to release what you are
the work of every artist is to make themselves holy known
now I want you to go away
damage me
I need you
you are intact now go away and leave me intact
is that all I was to you I think something amazing huh
that is all that matters
oh [Music] my queen
[Applause] [Music]
little girl [Music]
getting some feeling in my
house to have somebody care he can
get in some feeling deep down in my heart
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