
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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青山见我应如是, 春日酿成秋日雨 独立洒脱明得失,人间清醒柳如是。萬茜 柳如是_秦漢《柳如是別傳》史家陳寅恪晚年的封刀之作

(2024-09-06 14:39:19) 下一个
柳如是 2012_萬茜 秦漢 馮紹峰 凌峰 鐵政

• 青山见我应如是, 春日酿成秋日雨 独立洒脱明得失,人间清醒柳如是。萬茜 柳如是_秦漢《柳如是別傳》史家陳寅恪晚年的封刀之作 TJKCB - ♀ 给 TJKCB 发送悄悄话 TJKCB 的博客首页 (13182 bytes) (26 reads) 09/06/2024  14:39:19 (2)

• 陈先生此文极有见地。钱钟书居然说不值当替一位从良妓女立传。柳如是有她的节操,她丈夫有男子汉的气概。 冯墟 - ♂ 给 冯墟 发送悄悄话 冯墟 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (5 reads) 09/06/2024  17:32:46 (1)

• 陈先生: 不值替钱钟书立传 :-) TJKCB - ♀ 给 TJKCB 发送悄悄话 TJKCB 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (5 reads) 09/06/2024  17:49:05

• 虽说文史不分家,毕竟隔行如隔山。 冯墟 - ♂ 给 冯墟 发送悄悄话 冯墟 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 09/06/2024  18:42:58 (1)

• 山如史, 行如文。行山=行文=陳寅恪 TJKCB - ♀ 给 TJKCB 发送悄悄话 TJKCB 的博客首页 (594 bytes) (0 reads) 09/06/2024  21:40:11

萬茜 "柳如是"_秦漢
愿得一人心, 白首不相离
青山见我应如是, 春日酿成秋日雨 
柳如是 2012_《A Famous Courtesan》
Cast: 萬茜 (柳如是) “河东君”柳如是兼具“侠气、才气和骨气”,是“奇女志与遗民心的结合”
秦漢 (钱谦益=錢牧齋, Qián mù zhāi, live up >80YO) (36 years old than 柳如是: )《A Famous Courtesan》) 钱牧斋朽木长出灵芝 (生出儿子)!

Plot: 1633, The Ming dynasty

The film 柳如是 (A Famous Courtesan), released in 2012, centers on the life of Liu Rushi (柳如是), a famous courtesan, poet, and later, the wife of the esteemed scholar and Ming loyalist, Qian Qianyi (錢牧齋). Set in 1633 during the Ming Dynasty, the story explores her journey through a tumultuous era of Chinese history, marked by political intrigue, cultural transformation, and the eventual collapse of the Ming Dynasty.


  • Wan Qian (萬茜) plays Liu Rushi (柳如是), a legendary courtesan celebrated not only for her beauty but also for her intelligence, wit, and poetic talent. She becomes romantically involved with Qian Qianyi, a prominent scholar, and the two share a deep intellectual and emotional bond.

  • Qin Han (秦漢) portrays Qian Qianyi (钱谦益; 錢牧齋), a distinguished scholar and loyalist to the Ming Dynasty, who is 36 years older than Liu Rushi. Despite the significant age difference, their relationship is built on mutual respect and shared literary pursuits. Qian eventually lives to an age over 80 years old, surviving the fall of the Ming Dynasty, during which time he reflects on the past.

  • Feng Shaofeng (馮紹峰), Ling Feng (凌峰), and Tie Zheng (鐵政) also contribute to the film’s portrayal of the historical context, though their specific roles are less prominent in comparison to the central characters of Liu Rushi and Qian Qianyi.

Plot Summary:

In 1633, as the Ming Dynasty faces increasing internal strife and external pressures, Liu Rushi rises as one of the most admired courtesans in Chinese society. However, she is not just a symbol of beauty; she is also a poet and intellectual, engaging with many of the era’s leading scholars. The film delves into her relationship with Qian Qianyi 钱谦益, focusing on their emotional and intellectual connection as they navigate the complexities of love, politics, and loyalty during a period of national upheaval.

The historical backdrop adds layers of tension as the Ming Dynasty collapses, leaving Liu Rushi and Qian Qianyi to reflect on their choices, loyalties, and the fleeting nature of power and beauty. The film explores themes of identity, the role of women in a patriarchal society, and the ways in which art and intellect can defy the constraints of time and circumstance.

Liu Rushi herself is remembered as a powerful figure in Chinese cultural history, embodying the grace, intellect, and resilience that allowed her to leave an indelible mark on both the literary and political landscape of her time.






《柳如是别传》描写的柳如是为明末清初的名妓,嫁给钱谦益。柳如是幼年被卖与官宦人家,后沦落青楼。其人不仅貌美,还善诗会曲,能书擅画,行风流纵诞,志不羁陋俗,敢追求人生幸福,且明于民族大义,远胜时官腐儒,是中国历史上少有的奇女子。该书展示了明末清初江南文人群 …











  1. 柳如是的传奇人生:描写柳如是从幼年被卖、沦落青楼,到成为一代名妓,再到嫁给钱谦益的坎坷人生经历。

  2. 女性在历史中的独特地位:柳如是不仅是美貌出众的名妓,还是一位卓越的女诗人、书画家,展现了女性在传统社会中的才华与独立精神。

  3. 诗歌与文学成就:深入考证柳如是的诗词作品,剖析其创作背景、文学价值以及她在明清之际文坛的地位。

  4. 民族大义与社会责任:柳如是不仅追求个人幸福,还具备民族大义,在明末清初的动荡时期,她表现出的远见和勇气超过了当时许多腐儒文人。

  5. 明末清初的社会变迁:通过柳如是和钱谦益的故事,展现明清易代的历史变革、社会动荡,以及江南文人群体在这一历史时期的精神面貌。

  6. 历史与传记的交织:以丰富的史料和详细的考证,揭示了柳如是生平的真实面貌,纠正了许多流传的误传与谬误,体现了陈寅恪深厚的学术功底和对历史的精准解读。

  7. 文人风骨与爱情:探讨柳如是与钱谦益之间的爱情故事,展示出他们在爱情、文学、政治和社会责任之间的复杂关系。

  8. 文化传承与历史反思:通过柳如是的故事,反思明清之际的文化传承、文人风骨以及社会历史的多样性与复杂性。


The Last of the Mohicans (1992): 

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