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Rosalind Chao (Joy Luck Club) vs. Ronny on <3 Body Problem

(2024-09-05 21:23:19) 下一个

The Daily Show: Rosalind Chao (Joy Luck Club)  vs. Ronny on <<3 Body Problem>> (Neflix film)

“I turned you on to this accent coaches, you never called them…”, such mom energy right there 

"Ya, we have a 3 body problem right here.”  metaphors on the film <<3 Body Problem>> (Neflix film).

Rosalind, Ronny, and his bro/sis dynamic with Desi.

Can we only have an Asian mom interrogate Ronny for all his “interviews”? I love it!
This absolutely made my day. Rosalind Chao is the best. And Ronny and Desi just have such fantastic chemistry together. You can really see and feel how they're all enjoying themselves doing their work.
I feel like I just spied on a family gathering. The new girlfriend dynamic was strong, even with Ronnie being somewhat pouty at the end, which Desi noticed and quietly gave him a soothing touch. Meanwhile, “mom” had a sh*t-eating grin. She knew precisely what she was doing the entire time.
Naw, she was just getting in her shots because she knew that if she came onto the show she was conceding to being subjected to that embarrassing spider-man clip with her. She was just preemptively striking in a difusing way. Did you notice how she started out the whole interview stating as to how much blackmail she had on him? She already knew what he was going to pull. She wasn't going to just stand by and let that train wreck happen. Ha!


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