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Michelle Pffeiffer/KurtRussell/Mel Gibson/Tequila Surprise

(2024-09-19 20:52:55) 下一个

Michelle Pfeiffer, KurtRussell "Nick", Mel Gibson "Mac", 1988, /Tequila Surprise/ in Their Prime 

The sizzling chemistry of Gibson and Pffeifer—nothing beats it and never has, especially with Michelle Pffeiffer in it She is so beautiful and very talented; she is like magic

Michelle Pfeiffer was always one of my favorites; Into The Night, Married To The Mob, Witches Of Eastwick, Ladyhawke, Dangerous Liasons - she was on a run in the 80's and I loved it. Tequila Sunrise is one of her best!!!!!

Talented actors, as well. Michelle Pfeiffer kicked ass as Catwoman in Batman Returns, Mel Gibson was the man in the three Mad Max movies he appeared in, Kurt Russell was a badass as Snake Plissken in Escape from New York, and Raul Julia was funny as hell as Gomez Addams in the two The Addams Family movies. Fuck yes, 80s and 90s all damn day.


This is driving me *nuts*… There’s a line in the “Tequila Sunrise” movie where “Mac” (Mel Gibson) is watching a movie on TV; while the viewer can’t actually see the screen, one can hear the distinctive voice of a young Jack Nicholson: “Who says friendship lasts forever?” I’m thinking the movie may have been either “Carnal Knowledge” or “Five Easy Pieces” (several internet searches rendered nothing ).
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