
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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difference btw 鲁冰花 and 薰衣草?\'勿忘我\'

(2024-06-10 14:16:13) 下一个

鲁冰花 or 薰衣草

"勿忘我" (Wù wàng wǒ) in English is commonly translated as "Forget-me-not." It refers to a small, delicate flower with five petals, usually in shades of blue or pink, often with a yellow center. The name "Forget-me-not" symbolizes remembrance and enduring love.

勿忘我 - 花百科

difference btw 鲁冰花 and 薰衣草?

"鲁冰花" (Lù bīng huā) and "薰衣草" (Xūn yī cǎo) are both names of plants, but they refer to different species with distinct characteristics:

  1. 鲁冰花 (Lù bīng huā) refers to a plant called "Portulaca oleracea," commonly known as purslane in English. It is a succulent plant with small, fleshy leaves and colorful flowers. Purslane is often used as a vegetable in various cuisines around the world due to its crunchy texture and slightly tangy flavor.

  2. 薰衣草 (Xūn yī cǎo) refers to lavender, a flowering plant known for its fragrant purple flowers and aromatic foliage. Lavender is widely cultivated for its essential oils, which are used in perfumes, cosmetics, and aromatherapy products. It's also used in cooking and baking, particularly in French cuisine, to impart a floral and slightly sweet flavor to dishes.See related image detail. Lavender flowers stock image. Image of relax, officinalis - 164836647 Image result for 薰衣草 勿忘我 

In summary, while both 鲁冰花 (purslane) and 薰衣草 (lavender) are plants, they belong to different species and have different uses, flavors, and characteristics.

薰衣草和鲁冰花区别,薰衣草和鲁冰花有什么不同-花卉百科-绿宝 …

WEB而且对于环境的适应性也是不同的,薰衣草和鲁冰花同属于花卉,但是从本质上确实有一定区别的,只有综合了解才能够做出有效判断。. 鲁冰花. 1.高度不同. 鲁冰花的高度一般 …鲁冰花(拉丁学名:Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl.),别名羽扇豆,[1]属于豆科羽扇豆属植物


鲁冰花用于园林造景可作花境背景,亦可在林缘河边丛植、片植,还可以用做切花。[1]鲁冰花(拉丁学名:Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl.),别名羽扇豆,[1]属于豆科羽扇豆属植物


鲁冰花用于园林造景可作花境背景,亦可在林缘河边丛植、片植,还可以用做切花。[1] 鲁冰花(拉丁学名:Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl.),别名羽扇豆,[1]属于豆科羽扇豆属植物



Image result for 鲁冰花 薰衣草Image result for 鲁冰花 薰衣草Image result for 鲁冰花 薰衣草Image result for 鲁冰花 薰衣草Image result for 鲁冰花 薰衣草
Sources of inspiration for today's prayers

A Vanishing Field (w Chinese)

来源: 暖冬cool夏 于 2024-06-09 21:53:58 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 611 次 (5658 bytes)
本文内容已被 [ 暖冬cool夏 ] 在 2024-06-10 01:33:54 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除.


来这里二十多年了。这是我来美国居住的第一个城市也是唯一的一座城市。二十多年里,我见证了它的安宁,它的开阔,  它兼繁华城市和宁静乡村于一体的美丽,也目睹了它的发展,人口的急剧上升,交通的日渐拥挤,农田、果园、草莓地的一一消失,取而代之的一个个新社区新居民楼。。。

今年三月的一个周日,我在右拐时注意到了插在路边的一个牌子“Future Retail Center“, 就知道这块地也将不能幸存了。

今日(6/9)见推土机已经就绪,铁丝网的栏杆上已经用黑布遮住,路边电子屏幕上不停地闪烁着“XX road will be closed from June 12 to October 23“。 这就要破土动工了。



锻炼结束后回家的路上,我路经空旷的田野,停下了车,再折身回来,只为了最后看一眼这片田野。阴郁的六月天空下,我第一次走了进去,双脚踏过早已被割草机铲平如今已经枯萎的荆棘草丛,脑海里再次浮现去年三月盛开在这片土地上的鲁冰花,和今年四月的那一片黄色花海。今年的黄色雏菊花,在鲁冰花缺席的情形下,如此排山倒海,如此倾情奉献,好像知道这将是它们的last show, 好像是在告别这个世界,大有要把芬芳留于世间的架势。







A vanishing field

Sunday’s group dance gives Em the chance to drive by an open land that adjoins to the park.  Em thought that the land would be preserved for good like the open areas in New York’s Central Park that provides city dwellers an escape of squeezed city life. Not until this March, when a billboard suddenly erected by the corner that says “Future Retail Center”, did Em realize that soon this open field, like many others she’d witnessed in the years, will be gone and replaced by more concrete jungles.

On her way home, Em decided to take a walk on the field, as the road would be blocked from June 12 to October 23 for constructions, a roadside digital billboard blinking on with the message. The sun hadn’t come out, a rare June gloom that lingered after May grey in California this year.  She stepped for the first time on the field that she used to take pictures from afar, of the blooming purple Lupines or yellow daisies that thickly carpeted and stretched to the end of her sight.  But now, hearing the lifeless dried thorny remnants that crushed under her shoes, seeing the bulldozers ready to plow them,  Em felt her farewell as blue as the Blue Jacaranda under the downcast sky in the distance.

She felt lucky that she didn’t miss the beauty this field once offered her. From now on, it only lives in her memories, along with the vanished orchid farms, sprawling strawberry fields, or the orange trees that the county is named after.




TJKCB's comment on a photo of a bulldozer: photo of a bulldozer = open-mouthed tiger

"Looking at this bulldozer, I can't help but see it as the embodiment of an open-mouthed tiger, both sad and scary in its relentless power. Its gaping maw seems hungry for destruction, yet behind its formidable exterior lies a sense of melancholy. It's a reminder of the often conflicting emotions we feel when faced with the impact of human intervention on the natural world. This juxtaposition of strength and sorrow in the image is both captivating and thought-provoking."






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