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Chef Jean Pierre to make dry-aged\'beef steak?

(2024-06-07 21:46:16) 下一个

https://youtube.com/shorts/9fHW8S4Jh6Q?si=f9bw52NOoIN1rWNF 375 oF over for a few minutes!

How to make steak perfectly every time ????????


May 182024
how to make dry-aged"beef steak?

Dry-aging beef is a process that requires patience and proper conditions to achieve the desired results. Here's a basic guide on how to dry-age beef steak:

  1. Choose the right cut: Not all cuts are suitable for dry-aging. Generally, larger cuts with a good amount of fat and marbling work best. Prime rib, ribeye, and sirloin are popular choices.

  2. Prepare the meat: Start with a quality piece of meat. Trim any excess fat or silver skin from the exterior, but leave a thin layer of fat to protect the meat during aging. (I've always salted my steaks for around an hour or so, but I never thought about going a day or two, so I tried it. It makes the crust AMAZING! This is how you get a great crust, just like he said. Mine were salted and in the fridge for roughly, thirty hours. I will always be doing this from now on! I worked in the broiler as well as the frying pan. Both steaks had amazing crusts and they both had just the right amount of salt flavor.)

  3. Set up a dry-aging environment: Dry-aging requires controlled temperature, humidity, and airflow. You can either use a dedicated dry-aging refrigerator or set up a DIY dry-aging chamber. The ideal conditions are around 34°F to 38°F (1°C to 3°C) with humidity between 75% to 85%. You'll also need good airflow to prevent mold growth.




  4. Place the meat in the aging environment: Place the meat on a wire rack or hang it in the dry-aging chamber. Make sure there's enough space around each piece for airflow.

  5. Monitor and flip the meat: Check the meat regularly to ensure it's aging properly. Flip the meat every few days to promote even drying and prevent any potential mold growth.

  6. Patience is key: Dry-aging takes time. For noticeable results, you'll want to age the beef for at least 21 to 30 days. Some enthusiasts even age their beef for 45 days or more for a more intense flavor.

    Four days after upon airflow refrigeratoring: dry-aging --


  7. Check for readiness: After the desired aging period, inspect the meat. It should have developed a dry, darkened crust. Trim off any dried-out or moldy areas before cooking.

  8. Prepare and cook the steak: Once the aging process is complete, it's time to cook your steak. Dry-aged beef tends to have a more intense flavor and tender texture. You can grill, pan-sear, or roast the steak according to your preference. Keep in mind that dry-aged beef cooks faster than fresh beef, so adjust your cooking times accordingly.

  9. Slice and serve: Let the steak rest for a few minutes before slicing to allow the juices to redistribute. Then, slice and serve your dry-aged beef steak, and enjoy the rich, complex flavors!

Remember, dry-aging beef at home requires careful attention to hygiene and food safety. If you're unsure or uncomfortable with the process, consider purchasing dry-aged beef from a reputable butcher or supplier.

Chef Jean Pierre methods? 

How to Cook the Perfect Steak | Chef Jean-Pierre

5,788,818 views Premiered Sep 2, 2021
Hello There Friends, want to learn how to cook the PERFECT Steak? Come join me and I will debunk all the myths about cooking Steaks! This is truly a video for you if you want to learn how to make the perfect steak! I hope you enjoy friends, and start making those Steaks! You will learn 5 very important things to do. #1 Don’t waste your time taking the steak out 20 minutes before cooking it. It accomplishes NOTHING. #2 Do not wait the last minute to salt your steak. Add salt AT LEAST 45 minutes before cooking it! (one or two days is even better!) #3 Get yourself a good instant read thermometer, pushing your thumb in the palm of your hand DOES NOT WORK! #4 Searing the steak DOES NOT seal in the juices. (its only purpose is to create a delicious crust) #5 Be sure to let it rest at least 10 minutes after taking it out of the oven. Before cutting into it.

Okay! So I had a couple of Strip Loin Steaks in the freezer that I wanted to use on Saturday night. So I took them out on Thursday and let them thaw in the fridge. Then on Friday, I salted them lightly with just enough Kosher Salt as you directed, placed them on a pan with a rack, and returned them to the fridge.

On Saturday, about 10 minutes before I was going to cook them, I placed them on the counter, set up the butter, my fresh thyme and garlic from my garden, and got my pan and oil up to 400 degrees (by my Infrared thermometer - from your teaching - Essential Kitchen Tools). In went the steaks and following your instructions, step by step, I turned out two of the BEST Medium Rare Strip Loin Steaks that my wife and I had ever tasted (and those are her words).

At this point, I will admit that I once followed that method of taking the steaks out, for 10 minutes, but for half an hour—and salted them immediately before putting them into the pan (before Chef JP). Well, now I have been thoroughly rebuked, and I will always do my steaks according to the Gospel Of Jean-Pierre! Thank You so much for doing this video!! I guess you CAN teach an OLD DOG(me) new tricks! Here ends the lesson. GOOD JOB!


"Mmmm, mmmm, I forgot the pepper." mom said "If your head was not attached so good you'd be losing it. " her meaning?

Your mom's saying is a playful way of expressing that you might be forgetful or absent-minded at times. It's a humorous way of saying that you're lucky to have your head firmly attached to your body, otherwise, you might misplace or lose it. Essentially, she's gently teasing you about being a bit forgetful or scatterbrained. It's a lighthearted comment meant to make you smile rather than a serious criticism.



Chef Jean Pierre is known for his culinary expertise and has shared various methods and techniques over the years. While I can't provide specific methods from Chef Jean Pierre himself, I can offer some general cooking techniques that are commonly associated with chefs of his caliber:

  1. Classic French Cooking Techniques: Chef Jean Pierre likely employs traditional French cooking methods, such as sautéing, braising, roasting, poaching, and grilling, to create flavorful dishes with finesse.

  2. Emphasis on Fresh Ingredients: Like many renowned chefs, Chef Jean Pierre likely emphasizes the use of fresh, high-quality ingredients in his cooking. This might include seasonal produce, locally sourced meats and seafood, and artisanal cheeses and spices.

  3. Attention to Flavor and Presentation: Presentation is key in fine dining, so Chef Jean Pierre likely pays close attention to plating techniques to ensure that his dishes not only taste delicious but also look visually appealing. This might involve artistic arrangement of components on the plate and the use of garnishes to add color and texture.

  4. Innovation and Creativity: While rooted in classic techniques, Chef Jean Pierre may also incorporate innovative twists and creative flavor combinations into his dishes to keep them fresh and exciting.

  5. Precision and Attention to Detail: Achieving culinary perfection often requires precision and attention to detail. Chef Jean Pierre likely focuses on precise cooking times and temperatures to ensure that each dish is cooked to perfection.

  6. Balancing Flavors: Balancing flavors is crucial in creating harmonious dishes. Chef Jean Pierre likely employs a combination of sweet, salty, sour, and umami flavors to create well-rounded flavor profiles in his dishes.

  7. Experimentation and Exploration: Like all great chefs, Chef Jean Pierre is likely constantly experimenting with new ingredients, techniques, and flavor combinations to push the boundaries of culinary creativity and deliver memorable dining experiences to his patrons.

While these are general principles associated with high-level chefs like Chef Jean Pierre, his specific methods and techniques may vary based on his personal style, culinary background, and the types of cuisine he specializes in.

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• 开始高温,最后静置是诀窍,赞 -美国老师-  给 美国老师 发送悄悄话 美国老师 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (10 reads) 06/05/2024 postreply 20:57:03

• 行家:) -JSL2023-  给 JSL2023 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 06/05/2024 postreply 21:00:23

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• 主要是让牛排用余热完成最后一步,"悟":)最后十分钟静置,牛排内温度还要增加约十度。 -JSL2023-  给 JSL2023 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 06/05/2024 postreply 21:25:47

• 这个考验耐心,我恐怕等不及,就端现成的了:)谢大厨! -snowandlotus-  给 snowandlotus 发送悄悄话 snowandlotus 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 06/05/2024 postreply 21:42:42

• 这个文中Chef Jean Pierre 视频有理论,推荐:) -JSL2023-  给 JSL2023 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 06/06/2024 postreply 07:30:07

• 你这是全熟的?看着很有食欲。:) -为人父-  给 为人父 发送悄悄话 为人父 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 06/06/2024 postreply 06:14:30

• 不祘全熟,但外焦里嫩:) -JSL2023-  给 JSL2023 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 06/06/2024 postreply 07:00:13

• 切开来看看。-:) -有言-  给 有言 发送悄悄话 有言 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 06/06/2024 postreply 07:01:53

• 这次慢了一步,没顾上:) -JSL2023-  给 JSL2023 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 06/06/2024 postreply 07:14:36

• 美食当前,又是自己精心制作,肯定是大快朵颐。-:) -有言-  给 有言 发送悄悄话 有言 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 06/06/2024 postreply 16:36:43

• 补了几张以前的:) -JSL2023-  给 JSL2023 发送悄悄话 (371 bytes) (37 reads) 06/07/2024 postreply 18:49:42

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• 谢指正,是烤箱Broil:) 这个温度越高越好,这样出来效果才会外焦内嫩:) -JSL2023-  给 JSL2023 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) (5 reads) 06/06/2024 postreply 18:11:04

• 这个我基本赞成 两个问题 上来15分钟考完以后牛排里面多少度?会不会太过 还是牛排比较厚?最后boiler有必要吗?有没有试过省 -Fudan2purdue-  给 Fudan2purdue 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) (7 reads) 06/06/2024 postreply 17:19:00

• 没讲清楚:总共烤八分钟 (测温前),后面煎多少时间以温度计为准。15分钟只是预热铁板烧。对,需要厚点的牛排,效果才好:) -JSL2023-  给 JSL2023 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) (5 reads) 06/06/2024 postreply 18:08:47

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• 那你是高手,据说表面温度能到一千,只在视频里见过:)以前的切面照,一个welldone, 一个rare 一个mr:) -JSL2023-  给 JSL2023 发送悄悄话 (236 bytes) (55 reads) 06/07/2024 postreply 17:47:35

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• 赞。尝过”dry-aged"后,就认定其风味和口感(texture)强烈推荐。我觉的我的简易版很不错:) -JSL2023-  给 JSL2023 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 06/07/2024 postreply 17:54:33


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牛排买回来后,烤前三四天拆开包装 沬上盐 放入冰箱,可翻转数次。

下面最好腾空。 模拟美东店铺 dry-aged steak:)

所需设备: 烤箱 (500 ° )铁板烧(iron cast),温度计。

所需食材: 洋葱切碎(小香葱更好),大蒜切片,黄油(butter) ,迷迭香(rosemary) ,红酒。

最好用正式timer 手机上都有:)

开烤箱,预热 铁板烧 设500 (或最高) 约15分钟

铁板烧拿出放炉火上(高温) 放牛排一面煎两分钟,中间不要翻动!

烤箱设"Broil” 把煎好的牛排和铁板烧一起放回烤箱,-面两分钟 关烤箱,

转回炉火(高温) 加黄油,洋葱,大蒜,抄香后淋在牛排上,可翻转几次


120为medium rare 140为well done

拿出放盘 并淋上铁板烧的大部分油汁,室温静置 十分钟

加小半杯红酒和迷迭香 进 铁板烧(可能有明火:) 倒出供沾酱汁用

切片 ,撒上(salt and pepper) ,开吃:)

肯定比一般牛排店好吃 可以从一般价位牛排逐渐升高



主要参考 Chef Jean Pierre,强烈推荐







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