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Asian Faces on classic music stages-Two Steps From Hell

(2024-05-27 20:01:43) 下一个
Asian Faces on classic music stages are welcome! 

Star Sky: 


the initial explanation:

The piece delves into the departure and eventual reunion of lovers' souls following martyrdom and death. The female solo in the first verse depicts her reunion with her husband, potentially after his demise in war. The chorus portrays the soldier, departing for war, urging her to continue living and to release him from her heart, as he faces likely death.

In the second solo verse, she perseveres with her life, dreaming of her own death, as it signifies the moment their souls will finally reunite. She finds solace and joy in growing older, knowing that her death draws nearer and, with it, her reunion with her beloved. It's a portrayal of majesty, love, and unwavering loyalty.

Two Steps From Hell - Secret Melody



"See the energy, the anger, the celebration, the love, the madness of rage, and the hope in each movement, expressing emotion with the body. How it ascends until it reaches its maximum, bursts with energy, and then gently reaches calm and harmony—congratulations to the dancers for their tremendous work and discipline. The music digs deep into the soul, and the dancers dance on the heart strings—what a combination!


Absolutely insane how they don't just play, they perform! I love Impossible, but I never imagined it being played like this, almost like a heavy metal band.
Saulius is an absolute machine, before seeing him live I've never quite realised how important that lead melody is and how many instruments he switches between!
My grandma always used to tell me that classical music is a key that touches & unlocks the soul. Truth! Ty grandma. I miss you! ?
My grandfather had played for 25 years in the Hungarian orchestra and I was sort of forced to visit some of his concerts. Obviously at that time I hated my life because I thought classical music is boring as hell. Since then I have discovered dozens of different genres from hip-hop to finnish pagan folk metal and I can appreciate good music when I hear one. I truly believe it is because classical music.
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