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Ron Wyatt on the third day or after 3 days

(2024-05-21 20:53:49) 下一个
Ron Wyatt was a controversial figure known for his claims of archaeological discoveries related to biblical events. One of his most famous assertions was made regarding the alleged discovery of the Ark of the Covenant, a sacred artifact described in the Hebrew Bible. However, there is considerable skepticism and debate surrounding Wyatt's claims, and many scholars and archaeologists have questioned the validity of his findings.
One of Wyatt's claims relates to a site beneath the crucifixion site of Jesus Christ, which he alleged to have discovered in Jerusalem. According to Wyatt, he found a chamber containing what he believed to be the Ark of the Covenant, along with a substance he claimed was the blood of Jesus. He asserted that this blood had 24 chromosomes, suggesting a miraculous birth without a human father, thus aligning with the Christian belief in the virgin birth of Jesus.
However, it's essential to note that Wyatt's claims have not been substantiated by mainstream archaeologists or scholars. His methods and evidence have been heavily criticized, and many experts dismiss his findings as lacking credibility. The lack of verifiable evidence and the sensational nature of Wyatt's assertions have led many to view his claims with skepticism.
In summary, while Ron Wyatt did make claims regarding the discovery of artifacts related to biblical events, including the supposed blood of Jesus with 24 chromosomes, these claims remain highly controversial and are not widely accepted within the archaeological or scholarly communities. As such, they should be approached with skepticism and critical analysis.
The truth will always make you free. I hear Your Voice, Lord.
God is the God of TRUTH and will bear no lies.
Hallelujah Jesus is alive The curse of sin is broken, and we have perfect liberty The Lamb of God has risen He's alive He's alive Hallelujah Jesus is alive! !! !!! Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The root and the offspring of Jesse. 
I believe Jesus was a real man who lived, was crucified and came back after three days. I believe it with all my heart that he is the son of Christ and he was a real man. Hallelujah. I love you Jesus Christ. clarify "came back after three days" or Jesus came alive the third day?

The belief that Jesus Christ "came back after three days" refers to the central tenet of Christianity known as the Resurrection. According to Christian doctrine, Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried, but on the third day, he rose from the dead. This event is fundamental to Christian faith and is celebrated as the cornerstone of Christianity.

The Resurrection is considered by Christians to be a miraculous event, demonstrating Jesus' victory over sin and death. It is seen as a fulfillment of biblical prophecy and a sign of Jesus' divinity. The belief in the Resurrection is based primarily on accounts found in the New Testament of the Bible, particularly in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

For Christians, the Resurrection is not merely a historical event but a profound theological truth that symbolizes hope, redemption, and the promise of eternal life. It is central to Christian theology and forms the basis of Christian faith worldwide.

so, it was Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried, but on the third day, he rose from the dead. " The third day, not "after three days?"

The phrases "on the third day" and "after three days" can sometimes be interpreted differently depending on cultural and linguistic nuances. In the context of the biblical narrative surrounding Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, the phrase "on the third day" typically means that Jesus rose from the dead three days after his crucifixion.

In the Jewish cultural context of the time, a part of a day could be counted as a whole day. So, when Jesus was crucified on a Friday and rose on a Sunday, it's often referred to as "on the third day" in accordance with this understanding. This doesn't necessarily mean a full 72 hours had passed; rather, it signifies that the resurrection occurred after a period spanning parts of three days.

However, some translations or interpretations may use the phrase "after three days" interchangeably with "on the third day." Both convey the same meaning within the broader context of Jesus' resurrection occurring after his crucifixion and burial.

Ultimately, the significance lies in the belief that Jesus conquered death and rose from the dead, fulfilling prophecies and demonstrating his divine nature, rather than in the precise calculation of hours and days.



It's hard to believe that this is improvisation! Great

I look and get goosebumps... very tempting without a single culinary move or hint of it.... bravo!!!!


You just can't take your eyes off it. The girl moves so easily and seductively. The man is magnificent, does not draw attention to himself, does not overshadow his partner, showing her in all her glory
Well done guy! I didn’t expect this composition, I was obviously not ready for it, but I pulled myself together and gave it my all. Respect to the girl for supporting her partner, seeing his uncertainty when the music started playing. Both are great!

Improvised west coast swing: Macarena They showed the DJ Lauren Jones & Tzi Yi Wee #dance

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