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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qna6lHDwf88&pp=ygUiR2lmdGVkIEhhbmRzOiBUaGUgQmVuIENhcnNvbiBTdG9yeQ%3D%3D Let Your MIND Help You Get RID OF POVERTY! | Ben Carson | Top 10 Rules
Ben Carson is a retired American neurosurgeon and former candidate for President of the United States. He has authored numerous books on his medical career and political stances. He was the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Maryland. BEN CARSON’S RULES 1. Speak up for what you believe 2. Think in terms of solutions 3. Plan and strategize 4. Don't accept excuses 5. Learn to create options 6. Take risks 7. Take control of your life 8. You are capable of anything 9. Think big 10. Lift up your environment 11. Bonus: Take advantage of your talents, and much more bonus rules!!!