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Give me Scotland, or I die: John Knox

(2024-02-29 10:52:06) 下一个

I work w/ many Scots. I heard the quote "Give me Scotland, or I die" but I did not know who said until now. I Googled for its owner.  It was John Knox, a prominent figure in the Protestant Reformation. John Knox was known for his fervent prayers and his role in shaping the religious landscape of Scotland during the 16th century. The quote reflects his passionate desire for the spread of Protestantism in Scotland.

Pray, pray, and pray. Below is why.


""Give Me Scotland, or I Die" by Burk Parsons Ligonier Ministries https://www.ligonier.org › Learn › Articles Nov 25, 2022 — Perhaps more than anything else, John Knox is known for his prayer, “Give me Scotland, or I die.” Knox's prayer was not an arrogant demand, ..

. People also ask, Which pastor said give me Scotland or I die? One of the largest oppositions to his ministry, Queen Mary of the Scots is said to have said, 'I fear John Knox's prayers more than all the assembled armies of Europe. ' John Knox was one of the Reformation's greatest prayer warriors, famous for crying out to God and praying, 'Give me Scotland, Lord, or I die!'

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