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Dutch [Black Book]人性/平庸之恶\\殺君馬者道旁兒

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individuality自己的梦想和人性/平庸之恶殺君馬者道旁兒 could be interpreted by 

Black Book | Official Trailer (2006)

1,426,844 views Jan 17, 2007  

“Black Book” is a thrilling drama set in the fall of 1944 during World War II. The story follows Rachel Stein, a Jewish singer who becomes involved with the Dutch underground resistance after her family is killed by the Nazis. Rachel takes on a new identity as Ellis de Vries and infiltrates the German headquarters to gather information.
As Ellis, Rachel successfully gains the trust of the Nazis and starts working as a spy. She forms a romantic relationship with a high-ranking SS officer named Ludwig Müntze, who is unaware of her true identity. Rachel’s missions become increasingly dangerous as she risks her life to help the resistance and gather important intelligence.
However, as the war comes to an end, Rachel’s true identity is exposed, and she is captured by the Nazis -- In the film “Black Book,” Rachel Stein, also known as Ellis de Vries, is captured by the Dutch resistance, who mistake her for an enemy collaborator. She is interrogated and tortured but manages to escape with the help of her fellow resistance members. Rachel seeks revenge against the Nazis who betrayed her and caused the death of her family.
“Black Book” is a gripping and suspenseful film that explores themes of betrayal, love, and survival during one of the darkest periods in history.

Directed by Paul Verhoeven, the movie features strong performances from Carice van Houten as Rachel Stein/Ellis de Vries and Thom Hoffman as Ludwig Müntze. It is a captivating story that showcases the bravery and resilience of individuals fighting against oppression.




Black Book (2006)

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Drama • 2007

Set in the fall of 1944, a thriller about the Dutch underground based on true events that span nearly a year around Rachel Stein, ...

Actors: Carice van Houten, Halina Reijn, Thom Hoffman
Director: Paul Verhoeven


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCphfvtbUU8 Rediscovering: Black Book (2006) 
4,347 views May 8, 2020 #paulverhoeven #veday
To celebrate the 75th VE Day anniversary we searched Amazon Prime for a WWII movie to recommend, settling on Paul Verhoeven’s spy drama that focuses on the Dutch resistance movement in The Hague.

Game of Thrones' Carice van Houten puts in a standout lead performance in what is one of the most successful Dutch movies ever.

1 year ago
If you have not seen this movie, you simply have to. It's not only perhaps THE best foreign-language (Dutch) films that I've ever seen, I might place it in my favorite 100 films of all time. Action, suspense, intrigue, historical context, and even romance and finally an incredible ending. Hitchcock could not have done any better.

While all the acting in incredible, Carice van Houten steals to picture --- not to mention being sexy as hell! However the real beauty of Black Book is that it really make you think. It shows you the ambiguity of humanity. You see the 'human side' of the Nazis in this film and you see viscous actions of the 'good guys' as well.

While it does not justify the evils of Nazism, it does convey that there is good and evil on all sides -- and at a more macro level how a basically decent person can be perverted into an evil monster by a horrible system and criminal state --- and that without the tools that exist today to control a society. It's is good warning to us all - in every country.

Filmmaker Paul Verhoeven returned to the Netherlands after more than twenty years of success in Hollywood to direct this epic-scale war drama based on a true story. Rachel Steinn (Carice van Houten) is a beautiful Jewish woman living in Holland during the early days of World War II.

When Axis forces take control of Holland, Rachel's family are killed in a bombing raid while most of the city's Jews are rounded up and sent to Nazi death camps. Rachel manages to narrowly avoid capture, and joins the local resistance movement. With her hair dyed blonde, Rachel can easily pass for a gentile, and when the leader of the Dutch resistance movement learns his son has been captured by Axis forces, Rachel is asked to use her feminine charms to persuade a German commander to arrange for the boy's release.

Rachel soon finds herself caught up in a dangerous double life as she becomes a sexual plaything for the Nazis while attempting to bring down their evil empire as a spy. http://www.sonyclassics.com/blackbook/ 



1 year ago (edited)
Indeed masterpiece. Best of Verhoeven, better than Robocop. Seen it at least 6 times, gripping every time. Great script, big budget, masterful acting by every single actor, especially Carice van Houten. I suspect it's because of authentic languages and subtitles. Americans want just movies where everyone speaks English, with a fake accent. Even if they are a German SD officer or Dutch spy. In my country it's nothing special, because all Hollywood movies are subtitled. In my Top 10 movies of all time.



Police [荷姦]葛恩 traded with Germans法蘭肯

twist: real [荷姦] was M.D., Hans, not Police [荷姦]葛恩.



反抗軍首領並沒有覺得荷蘭人生命比猶太人的貴重 ,他只是覺得猶太人的生命沒有比荷蘭人的貴重,因此沒理由為救猶太人而犧牲荷蘭人!
女主角愛麗絲當初在冰與火之歌的敬業精神,而且很好的詮釋了她扮演的角色[戰亂時期,愛上敵人蒙茲,直到死別。 心痛到哭]


2 months ago
大家觉得这部影片的很好吗? 又一个隐藏极深,倡导(promote)”烂交“的”性驱动“鸦片影片。。。这类影片似乎将人与人,尤其是男性和女性间的一切默契,信任,合作,帮助和友谊建立在”性行为“的基础和前提之上 [] 。




”动物本能“,契约精神,货币化/物化/金融,三种观点本质是矛盾的 [] [] [] 如果,非要谈”动物“本能,人的物理条件,主要是手足,和牙齿,从人类学的角度,其实是仅仅处于自然界动物物种结构的中间位置。。。再大谈动物本能的,可是要被送到”没有人类社会和文明“的荒芜地带的。。。大草原,原始深林的 [] 。
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