
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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FA non-sequitur to the original comment Alexandra Daddario Facts

(2023-05-23 15:50:55) 下一个


thank you, as well, for taking the time to share your thoughts on this matter. With that, I can't say that there's really anything you've said that I disagree with. I think you nailed it when you say that
[Maria Leach]

Maria Leach

2 weeks ago
It's always the children that pay when adults act so stupid and deceitful. This scene has me in tears and it breaks my heart. This is all to real.
7 replies
[Victoria Jarvis]

Victoria Jarvis

4 days ago
The best darn performance from a little child I've ever seen. Her heart is broken and she breaks your heart.
[Steve Cowder]

Steve Cowder

22 hours ago
Wow, no wonder this movie was such a major success. The acting is so real, genuine and emotionally charged on many different levels. Ive seen this movie at least 10 times since ‘ 87 and it still gets to me even today. But even ONE viewing should be more than enough to keep someone from cheating.
[Feed My Mind, Not My Ego]

Feed My Mind, Not My Ego

6 days ago
Cheating is a selfish act. It will break someone's spirit. The one who was cheated on will begin to question themselves and ask what they did wrong. Just get a divorce and live a single life before you hurt someone by cheating.
3 replies
[Ellie Daniels]

Ellie Daniels

4 days ago
You're so right and what you said to do is what I actually did. After marriage counseling failed and I couldn't take living with someone who behaved like my enemy I left before I sought out another partner. That's the way it should be.
[K Gio]

K Gio

2 days ago
Feed me more?
[We Had Enough With Hook-Up Culture & Dating!]

We Had Enough With Hook-Up Culture & Dating!

27 minutes ago (edited)
People shouldn't divorce they should work on their marriage.


5 days ago
She seemed to be more angry when he said she’s pregnant .
5 replies
[Kenneth Thompson]

Kenneth Thompson

2 days ago
Very underrated actress Anne Archer superb in the role & brought real emotional depth to the part.
3 replies


6 days ago
The part when the Son told the Father, Call me tomorrow made me EMOTIONAL []
4 replies
[Debra too famous to mention]

Debra too famous to mention

9 days ago
Yea, instead of taking full accountability say " it didn't mean anything" demean the woman you desired and devastate your wife...what a " man"
13 replies
[Jim L]

Jim L

8 days ago
That's a very black and white response from you. Relationships, the desire for sex, impulses, attractions, different types of attractions ... these are all so much more complicated and nuanced than how you paint it. And he did take responsibility; he told his wife about it; she didn't discover it accidentally. I'm only speaking from the male perspective here, but it's absolutely true that a man can have sex with another woman, and it means nothing more than sex. Sure, a man can fall in love with another woman, as well, but that's not the case here. He had an opportunity for wild sex with a new and different woman other than his wife, and he went for it. The secretiveness/lying is the real issue here, but with how freakish we are when it comes to sex and our true desires, society sort of forces so many of us to go on the down low in these matters.
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7 days ago
? @Jim L  Your response is interesting and actually one of the more enjoyable comments I have read on the internet for some time. However I think your response might be a bit of a non-sequitur to the original comment, let me explain what I mean. While I think you're correct in one sense, insofar as the original comment oversimplifies the 'human sexual condition', I think it does so predicated on a moral standard of behavior expected of one when committing to another in word and deed - marriage, in this example, this is a agreed upon condition of marriage and why it is really more of a religious institution, because it expects a higher standard to be met, despite our thoughts, desires, temptations, etc, as God is the witness - it is declared before him. What you're saying, while true in the sense that yes, we may desire another or whatever, those carnal desires are to be controlled and we are callled to be more virtuous. Therefore, I think the original comment is more correct in its simplicity of this point while yours ignores this and argues that we ought to just succumb to these desires etc and controlling them is not fair on our natural instincts (or something like that). Not sure how correct I am but I think I know how dissolute most men's minds are, or at least can be.
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[Denise Borchardt]

Denise Borchardt

7 days ago
 @Jim L  -I haven't seen this movie for many years. If memory serves me, he only confessed b/c he was going to be ratted out. I agree sex can be just sex for some people but he didn't take blame. It was a narcissistic response to say that it meant nothing. It didn't take ownership imo.
[Jim L]

Jim L

6 days ago
 @geofreyr  Thank you for the kind words. I purposely try to be civil in my reply to others' postings. And thank you, as well, for taking the time to share your thoughts on this matter. With that, I can't say that there's really anything you've said that I disagree with. I think you nailed it when you say that marriage is really built on a religious foundation (in full disclosure, I'm a hardcore atheist). I will add this, however: It's funny how married couples can lie about so many things to each other during the course of their marriage, except this one thing -- i.e., infidelity. And to that, again, I say it's because we have these weird hang-ups about sex, largely due to religion. All these other lies will be forgiven, but not cheating. "You told me you would call, and you didn't." "You said you would be home by 8:00 p.m., but you were at the bar with so-and-so and didn't get home until after midnight." "I told you I don't like that old friend of yours, and you promised me that you wouldn't hang out together as much anymore, but once again, you two were at the pub until bartime." And so on and so on. Yet all these lies are so very often forgiven, over and over. But when it comes to a meaningless sexual encounter outside of the marriage, then hold the phone, that's a huge no-no. But why? Why are all the other lies given a pass (over and over), but when it comes to cheating and all those lies to cover it up, then this lie is a deal breaker. Again, we have real issues with sex and the discussion of deep-down sexual desires with our spouse, and thus, so so many of us choose the easy route of sneaking around and keeping it on the down low.
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[Irma LaLa]

Irma LaLa

6 days ago
? @Jim L  Be told her when it became impossible to lie
[Irma LaLa]

Irma LaLa

6 days ago
? @Jim L  The film is an example of why lying about sex is hugely problematic. Alex is pregnant with Ellie's sibling. No matter how you slice it if that very insane woman had lived and lived to give birth they would be inextricably connected to her. Aaaaaaand the more serious STIs. If the world was some pre Conquered Tibetan paradise with no syphilis or HIV, where people routinely bonded through sex and sex swapping was an honor? I'm sure I wouldn't care.
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[Jim L]

Jim L

5 days ago
 @Irma LaLa  There are a number of safe-sex techniques where STD's aren't an issue. But I certainly can see your concern if those techniques aren't utilized. I read an article years ago about people who were married -- both husbands and the wives -- who had affairs, the affairs ended, and their spouses never found out.


5 days ago
 @Jim L  well firstly I would like to compliment your writing style, it's very good and nice to read. Are you an academic? Yes I also try to be civil and when I encounter someone like yourself, I am very pleased I did! It's very refreshing from the constant insults hurled around the internet. I think the reason for infidelity causing chaos was summed up very well by Cameron Diaz' character in Vanilla Sky. It's a great film but this scene in particular I find quite profound (and also in full disclosure, I am catholic), she even brings God into it which has an uncanny relevance to our discussion; "don't you know that when you sleep with someone your body makes a promise whether you do or not" - fascinating. And so too is this discussion with you. Cheers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xohWvO9i4c
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[Jim L]

Jim L

4 days ago
 @geofreyr  Hey, thanks again for the kind words. And nope, not an academic, though one of my bachelor degrees is English, with an emphasis in professional and technical writing. I can easily extend the compliment your way, as well, which is that your writing style is most pleasant to read. I've enjoyed your thinking on this topic, too. [] With that, the YouTube clip you provided is quite intense. I watched it a few times. There are some differences between these two characters in Vanilla Sky and the two in Fatal Attraction, which alters the approach to sex differently. In Fatal Attraction, the two are married and have been together for a while. I'm going to assume they started out like the vast majority of couples -- i.e., they were both probably very sexually attracted to each other, had that early stage period in a relationship of intense physical attraction, then realized that each loved the other, became a couple, and then eventually settled down and got married. At this point in so many couples' relationship, it's where the sex is no longer as exciting, and without open, raw, brutally honest discussions about each person's sexual desires, then things can go haywire, either with the husband or wife or both. And it's where one or the other fears losing what they have built together by fearing what the other might think about these hidden desires and, thus, keeps them hidden. "Would she leave me if I told her I was bisexual?" "Would she look at me differently if I told her I wanted an open relationship, would she pack up and ask for a divorce?" "Would he leave me if I told him that I wanted a boyfriend on the side? What if he got custody of our child if the judge didn't condone this way of thinking from a wife, a woman?" "Would she be disgusted with me if I wanted to incorporate porn into our sex lives?" Ultimately and sadly, the person answers his or her own question: "I just can't take that chance; it's best for me to sneak around and hope I don't get caught." This is a quick, simple, general snapshot of a married person's thinking process on sex in a long-term relationship. Now with the two in Vanilla Sky, it appears to me from this scene that the two started out as sex buddies, but Diaz's character having developed feelings for Tom's character, whereas he does not share those same feelings for her. There's no long-term foundation; they haven't reached that "fallen in love" stage, and Tom's character has no interest in that. Anyhow, cheers to you, too. It's been loads of fun! []
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[Jim L]

Jim L

4 days ago
 @geofreyr  Hey, thanks again for the kind words. And nope, not an academic, though one of my bachelor degrees is English, with an emphasis in professional and technical writing. I can easily extend the compliment your way, as well, which is that your writing style is most pleasant to read. I've enjoyed the thoughts you have shared on this topic, too. [] With that, the YouTube clip you provided is quite intense. I watched it a few times. There are some differences between these two characters in Vanilla Sky and the two in Fatal Attraction, which alters the approach to sex differently. In Fatal Attraction, the two are married and have been together for a while. I'm going to assume they started out like the vast majority of couples -- i.e., they were both probably very sexually attracted to each other, had that early stage period in a relationship of intense physical attraction, then realized that each loved the other, became a couple, and then eventually settled down and got married. At this point in so many couples' relationship, it's where the sex is no longer as exciting, and without open, raw, brutally honest discussions about each person's sexual desires, then things can go haywire, either with the husband or wife or both. And it's where one or the other fears losing what they have built together by fearing what the other might think about these hidden desires and, thus, keeps them hidden. "Would she leave me if I told her I was bisexual?" "Would she look at me differently if I told her I wanted an open relationship, would she pack up and ask for a divorce?" "Would he leave me if I told him that I wanted a boyfriend on the side? What if he got custody of our child if the judge didn't condone this way of thinking from a wife, a woman?" "Would she be disgusted with me if I wanted to incorporate porn into our sex lives?" Ultimately and sadly, the person answers his or her own question: "I just can't take that chance; it's best for me to sneak around and hope I don't get caught." This is a quick, simple snapshot of a married person's thinking process on sex in a long-term relationship. Now with the two in Vanilla Sky, it appears to me from this scene that the two started out as sex buddies, but with Diaz's character having developed feelings for Tom's character, whereas he does not share those feelings. There's no long-term foundation; they haven't quite reached that "fallen in love" stage, and Tom's character has no interest in that. Anyhow, cheers to you, too. It's been loads of fun! []
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2 days ago
This scene was so powerful.
[Tom Schaeffer]

Tom Schaeffer

4 days ago
One of the greatest acting performances of all time.
[Karen Johnson]

Karen Johnson

8 days ago
He’s the bastard in all this
3 replies
[Lillian Lyons]

Lillian Lyons

1 day ago
One of the best movies of all time. And man was Michael Douglas good looking back then. The little girl is Clark Griswalds niece in Christmas Vacation


5 days ago (edited)
Love all the big curly fluffy hairstyles, fruit roll-ups and telephone ring tones at least. []
2 replies
[Satya Drashta Esoterica ?]

Satya Drashta Esoterica ?

1 day ago
The most realistic part about this clip is how the kid wrapped the fruit rollup around his finger. You know we all did that. Period.
[K C]


6 days ago
Children don’t deserve this.
1 reply


1 day ago
When I saw this in the theater, I couldn't believe he waited so long to come clean to her.


9 days ago
Narcissist. Only sorry he got caught. Common.
5 replies
[Walter Heisenberg]

Walter Heisenberg

8 days ago
People can make mistakes and be sorry for them. I bet he’ll never do it again.


7 days ago
 @Walter Heisenberg  Not sorry….he did not confess, he was outed by mistress and her pregnancy. It is only a movie, but represents narcissism quite well.
[Too Sense]

Too Sense

6 days ago
Most cheaters are only sorry if they get caught. They only care about themselves.
[Gina Morse]

Gina Morse

2 days ago
 @Believer He wasn’t outed. She was threatening to out him to keep power over him. She messed with his daughter and it went too far so he confessed to protect his family. Doesn’t excuse the behavior but he owned it.


2 days ago
 @Gina Morse  My point was, he was a narcissist, he was never going to confess. The mistress would have told the wife, that was obvious, he told his wife so that he could stay in control. An extraordinarily evil man. He was worse than the mistress.
[Aj Aj]

Aj Aj

2 days ago
Stunning performance [] [] [] ?
[Aron Kelley]

Aron Kelley

2 days ago
The grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Keep that in mind.
1 reply
[Da Ghambino]

Da Ghambino

9 days ago
When he said she pregnant game over. I agree with her and I am man.
[Lovely And Floppy]

Lovely And Floppy

1 day ago
He still lies to his wife. It wasn't just one night. He spent a whole weekend with Alex.
1 reply


4 days ago
The number one question which all women who've been cheated on ask: Did you love her?
4 replies
[Stella Martinez]

Stella Martinez

1 day ago
Hell no. After the first statement, the second is a moot point.
[leshawn smith]

leshawn smith

1 day ago
 @Stella Martinez  Thank you!
[Magic Man]

Magic Man

18 hours ago
Guys can handle the wife loving another man as long as she doesn’t screw him..women can handle her man screwing another woman as long as he doesn’t love her.
[ms. must love cats]

ms. must love cats

10 days ago
It all boils down to one spouse being unfaithful in the marriage. Now, I'm not married yet. ( Hell I've never actually been in a serious relationship, before ! ! ! ! ! ! ). [] [] [] But my best friend HAVE been the other woman for over 10 years and she HATES herself everyday about it. [] ?
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1 reply
[Rose Helmich]

Rose Helmich

6 days ago
That little boy is adorable. Such a sad and intense movie! Bad decisions on all fronts ny the philandering husband!
3 replies
[Jay Brodrick]

Jay Brodrick

7 days ago
I remember when this movie came out and the controversy it created, especially the negative flack it received from women: The portrayal of Douglass’s character as being the victim and glen close as the perpetrator.
2 replies


6 days ago
Gentlemen, How would you like to have to tell your wife that you impregnated another woman ?


2 hours ago
Should be required watching for newlywed husbands
[Esoteric Brooke]

Esoteric Brooke

3 days ago
They should have kids watch these movies in school so they know what can happen if you cheat
[Denise T]

Denise T

3 days ago (edited)
I got married late in life thank God i knew this sht.


6 days ago
Any Woman or Man who cheats [] on their SPOUSE is a fffffffffffffffffff JERK []
1 reply


4 days ago
These conversations are awkward...according to a friend.
[Carmelle M]

Carmelle M

12 days ago
Why do they always show the kid standing there when parents argue? Go to bed!
5 replies
[Heather 4627]

Heather 4627

7 days ago
Why be stupid and cheat on a beautiful women?
1 reply


3 days ago
And he caught a strange canker sore on his tongue []
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5 days ago
He went for hamburger when he had steak at home
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[Daniel O'Sullivan]

Daniel O'Sullivan

5 days ago
It’s fairly common for men to prefer hamburgers than steak [‍] ?
[Catherine Catlover]

Catherine Catlover

3 days ago
What's so great about Anne Archer. She's not better looking than Glenn Close
[Gina Morse]

Gina Morse

2 days ago
Okay Christopher. []
[JoAnne Dietrich]

JoAnne Dietrich

2 days ago
She should have divorced him
[Felicia Kidd]

Felicia Kidd

3 days ago


3 hours ago
He lied it was all weekend
[John Fazio]

John Fazio

1 day ago
so let me try to understand this clown script, the blind husband has an affair with a man (Glenn Close) and cheats against his fantastic wife of ....I don't get it at all.


5 days ago
The child is a girl, not a boy.
1 reply
[Adam Stevenson]

Adam Stevenson

4 days ago
The one thing that never made sense to me: cheating on ANNE ARCHER with Glenn Close. lol
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5 days ago
It's a girl not a boy!!! The first one perhaps to use they/them pronouns?
1 reply
[Monica Ford]

Monica Ford

3 days ago
They used a real bunny in that horrible scene disgusting!


2 days ago
The last thing I want to do is to hurt you, but it's still on my list.
1 reply
[Damien O Callaghan]

Damien O Callaghan

1 day ago
Make her tale a LIE DETECTOT Test And a Pregnancy Test There are a lot of MANIAC;S out there [face-red-droopy-eyes]


2 days ago
There was a teacher whom didn't believe in the existence of God, one day he asked his students, do you see God? the students then replied no we don't see God, so the teacher said if you don't see God it means there is no God. then a smart student stood up and said to the other students hey guys can you see the teachers brain? then the students answered no we don't see the teachers brain, the student then said the teacher then is crazy, he has no brain :0) The universe science says was not always there, it had a beginning point, the big bang, meaning it was begun/initiated in other words created, thus there should be a creator, there must be a God. Also, this is from Artificial intelligence, chat Gpt: Prophecies in Major World Religious Books Referring to Prophet Mohammed: 1. The Bible - Deuteronomy 18:18-19, John 14:16, John 16:7-14, Isaiah 42:1-13 2. The Hindu Scriptures - Bhavishya Purana, Atharvaveda Book 20 Hymn 127-129 3. The Buddhist Scriptures - Cakkavatti-Sihanada Sutta, Anguttara Nikaya III:61, Digha Nikaya III:76-77 4. The Zoroastrian Scriptures - Zand-i Vohuman Yasht, Farvardin Yasht, Dadestan-i Denig & Regarding the verses in the Quran asking to protect non-believers or polytheists, there are several that emphasize the importance of treating all people with respect and kindness, regardless of their religious beliefs. One such verse is found in Surah Al-Mumtahanah (60:8), which states: "Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly." Also In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful (If any of the polytheists seek protection from you, grant him protection) ??? ???? ?????? ??????(?? ??????? ??? ?? ???????? ?????) Another verse in Surah Al-Anfal (8:61) encourages Muslims to make peace with their enemies, even if they are non-believers or polytheists: "And if they incline to peace, then incline to it also and rely upon Allah. Indeed, it is He who is the Hearing, the Knowing." & Regarding the verses in the Quran asking for justice and kindness, there are many such verses throughout the holy book. One example is found in Surah An-Nahl (16:90), which states: "Indeed, Allah orders justice and good conduct and giving to relatives and forbids immorality and bad conduct and oppression. He admonishes you that perhaps you will be reminded." & In terms of prophecies about Prophet Mohammed in major world religions, there are a few examples that some scholars have pointed to. One such example is found in the Bible's Book of Deuteronomy (18:18), which states: "I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers. And I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him." Some Muslims interpret this verse as a prophecy about Prophet Mohammed. Because the Arabs are the brethren's of Israelites, The Arabs are descendants from Ishmael or Ismail the brother of Isaac the father of Israelites, and because the verse didn't say from amongst them or from their descendants, it said from their brethren's. Similarly, some scholars point to a passage in the Bhavishya Purana, an ancient Hindu text, as a prophecy about Prophet Mohammed. The passage describes a "holy man" who will come from Arabia and spread a new religion, and some argue that this refers to Mohammed and the spread of Islam.. Also search scientific miracles in the quran, harun yahya its nice, One God for all of us he created us all and can revive us again, God initiated everything, & he repeat/redo things too, & thats clear, we see many cycles of things in life, water cycle, oxygen and carbon dioxide and nitrogen cycles, animal & plants cycles, & food chain cycles and so on, God created this life but it's only a temporary sample/an example of a coming everlasting one which could be either in heaven paradise or in hell. If we try to be good humans in life, and try to obey God and his messengers and those whom rightly represent them, then we will all go to heaven/paradise, if not then we will go to hell fire and burn in it forever



//// "Alexandra Daddario Facts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZT6OnFqcdZs


///She's not only beautiful but she has the kind of eyes that you feel pierce your soul.

"do you know what submissive means? being put back together differently" BRILLIANT
If you like Alexandra Daddario you should definitely watch our picks for her best movies. Alexandra Anna Daddario, born on March 16, 1986 is an American actress who is one of the young, rising talents of Hollywood. She achieved fame via her appearances in popular TV shows like ‘True Detective’ and has managed to garner mainstream attention in the movie industry. Discover the best… popcorn machine: https://amzn.to/3yFeR8Z YouTube tool: https://www.tubebuddy.com/communitv We missed your favorite Alexandra Daddario movie? Let us know in the comments! Follow us on... On Instagram: http://bit.ly/2rnljTB On Facebook: http://bit.ly/2PbYxGn Movies that are in this list: 10. Baked in Brooklyn (2016): https://amzn.to/2PXZ7JY 9. Burying the Ex (2014): https://amzn.to/2NQXuLo 8. Baywatch (2017): https://amzn.to/32sIhFA 7. We Have Always Lived in the Castle (2018): https://amzn.to/2qqX6LD 6. Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (2013): https://amzn.to/2pRlfuL 5. Night Hunter (2018): https://amzn.to/2JVt7lJ 4. Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief (2010): https://amzn.to/2NNHBFI 3. San Andreas (2015): https://amzn.to/2NqQXIw 2. The Choice (2016): https://amzn.to/2qxFWvK 1. When We First Met (2018): https://www.netflix.com/de/title/8011...

123,315 views May 19, 2023 #DarkRomance #LoveInTokyo #alexandradaddario
Welcome to this captivating Recap as we delve into the intoxicating world of "Lost Girls and Love Hotels". Starring Alexandra Daddario as the enigmatic protagonist and Takehiro Hira as the mysterious man who captivates her, this film takes us on a journey of desire, self-discovery, and the complexities of love. Join us as we unravel the intricacies of this gripping story, exploring the themes of passion, vulnerability, and the pursuit of pleasure. Through a careful examination of the film's visuals and narrative, we uncover the secrets hidden within the dark corners of Tokyo's nightlife. Brace yourself for a deep dive into the seductive allure of "Lost Girls and Love Hotels" as we unravel its intoxicating tale of longing and liberation. Stay tuned until the end to discover the profound impact this movie leaves on its audience. #alexandradaddario

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