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photograph from the Belgian Congo in 1955

(2023-04-10 17:31:39) 下一个
There is not enough “DEI” that can undo the horrors of colonization. The LEAST we can do is acknowledge it and let the community lead as we listen to and support how we can bring Justice in an attempt to address the legacy of such atrocities today. That is a minimum requirement— not an ask. A must.
As we look at this photograph from the Belgian Congo in 1955, it is important to recognize the horrors behind the scene captured.

In the photo, two young white girls stand beside a caged African boy, who appears to be a child, while the boy is trapped in a bird cage that is barely large enough for him to stand in.

This image is a shocking example of the dehumanization of African people under European colonial rule. Throughout documented history, only a few nations in the world have exhibited fellow human beings in such a way, highlighting the inhumane treatment that the Congolese people faced during this period of history.

During this period, the false concept of "race science" was used to justify the subjugation of indigenous peoples around the world, and was a key factor in the widespread acceptance of colonialism.

One example of this pseudoscientific ideology was the use of phrenology, which claimed to be able to determine an individual's intelligence and character traits by measuring the shape and size of their skull. This theory was used to justify the subjugation of indigenous peoples, as it was believed that their smaller skulls indicated lower intelligence and greater levels of aggression.

For centuries, the belief in European biological superiority over Africans was used to justify the exploitation and mistreatment of African people and was a contributing factor to the violence and genocide that took place during this era.

As we look at this photograph today, it is important to recognize the atrocities of the past and to reflect on the ongoing struggles against racism and oppression that continue to affect people around the world.
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