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tantric yoga Learning to Drive Ben Kingsley,

(2023-04-22 21:23:50) 下一个


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkJtMJfdX_Y Such a poignant encounter between two cultures. The growth of heart-wisdom was a gentle and lasting lesson.



mary thomas

10 months ago
Wonderful story. Don't let the movie title fool you. This story is much more than learning to drive. You will be inspired, have hope, push past your fears and learn about life after watching and listening to these conversations from a Indian Sikh to his female driving student from Manhattan. Two different cultures learn together.
15 replies
[Julie N]

Julie N

9 months ago
I didn’t expect it to be such a wonderful movie. It’s sad that Darwin and Wendy did not remain friends after she got her license. He wanted to but she didn’t. Probably because she was afraid it would evolve into something more than friendship and she knew he was such a good person. She didn’t want their friendship to ruin his marriage. Sad but understandable. It’s hard finding good people and friends.
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4 replies
[Mahja Biene]

Mahja Biene

9 months ago
All the films with Ben Kingsley are so great. He is such a great actor, even I could not believe him the Sikh 100%. This is a very kind story, a story how life writes it. Also it means, there are more ways of love. She and him loved each other, but their love was not for staying together. In fact, their love helped themselves to deal better with life. And also the wife, she deserved love. Because love is also to stay together in life and to deal with each other. I‘m grateful for this movie introducing one great culture to us. I like this film, even I wish in my heart that Wendy and Darwan would come together.


Millette Mone

10 months ago
This was very nice film of what real love is in multiple aspects of everyday people. Not typical love romance but subtle feelings are very well expressed. I am amazed the director managed such feeling of a middle aged white women and middle aged Sikh Indian man in NY. This film tells not only about different kind of love, but multicultural aspects, too. Best movie I watched in this few weeks.

Great movie. Ben Kingsley was priceless. Patricia Clarkson was poignant perfection.

I always tend to comment on the acting, the performances of the actors, and the brilliance of the acting performances. I love to see good chemistry between actors, and if they had good chemistry I go look up their birthdates. These two were so awesome together, Kingsley and Clarkson. They’re both Capricorns, born December 29 & 31. I highly recommend this movie. You will be pleasantly surprised. [] [] []



va L

1 month ago
Excellent movie!!! Shows life as it is, people as they are, no sugar coating. Some people are plain rude, "you have to demand your respect in America" @ 1:12:17.

Wonderful friendship between the two main characters: The admirable wise, calm Indian driving instructor, highly educated back home but living a simple life here in USA, stays true to himself/religion, and amazingly non-reactive transcending the frequent racial slurs thrown at him.

And the main female character, as scared as she was to drive, she is equally strong calling out the officer "I'm gonna say two words: Racial profiling." then to her teacher: "Are they harassing you??"

Also, funny sex scene where she says it like it is to the french man "are you ever going to come?" @ 1:00:19 & "Can we stop please" hahaha. [What is tantric way of life?
To a tantric, life is not bondage but the gateway to freedom. To be born as a human is an opportunity to experience our oneness with Absolute Consciousness—our own inner divinity. God, Absolute Consciousness, deposited Her limitless power of creativity in each of us.

What are the four types of tantra?
Distinctive Features of the Four Classes of Tantra

Kriya tantra – the bliss of partners looking at each other.
Charya tantra – the bliss of smiling at each other.
Yoga tantra – the bliss of hugging each other.
Anuttarayoga tantra – the bliss of being in union. 

What defines a tantric lover?
Tantric love is about intimacy, mindfulness, and a celebration of the sensuality of the human body. When sexual acts are involved, they're typically used as a medium rather than an end goal. It takes time. Desire-driven and goal-oriented sexual acts may normally happen rapidly and with urgency.Feb 9, 2023


relating to or involving the doctrines or principles of the Hindu or Buddhist tantras, in particular the use of mantras, meditation, yoga, and ritual.
"tantric yoga"






Learning to Drive

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165M subscribers
As her marriage dissolves, a Manhattan writer takes driving lessons from a Sikh instructor with marriage troubles of his own. In each other's company they find the courage to get back on the road and the strength to take the wheel.

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English [CC]


Patricia Clarkson, Ben Kingsley, Grace GummerSamantha BeeJake WeberSarita ChoudhuryAvi NashMatt SalingerJohn HodgmanMichael Mantell


Isabel Coixet



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