
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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Love is Coming in Spring and Love\'s Enduring Promise/Serendipit

(2023-03-27 21:21:20) 下一个

Part 1: "Love is Coming in Spring"

"Love is Coming in Spring" is a romantic movie that tells the story of two people who fall in love in the beautiful season of spring. The movie is set in a small town where the main characters, Jake and Emily, meet and begin to develop a romantic relationship. However, their relationship is put to the test when Emily is offered a job opportunity in a big city, forcing her to choose between her career and her relationship with Jake.

The movie explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the importance of following one's dreams. It showcases the beauty of springtime and how it can inspire new beginnings and fresh starts in life. The movie also highlights the value of small-town communities and the support they can provide in times of need.

Part 2: "Love's Enduring Promise"

"Love's Enduring Promise" is a sequel to the movie "Love Comes Softly" and is based on the book of the same name by Janette Oke. The movie follows the story of Marty and Clark Davis, a couple who have been married for several years and are raising a family on their farm in the American West.

As the family faces various challenges, including illness and financial difficulties, Marty must find a way to keep their family together and maintain their faith in God. The movie explores themes of perseverance, family values, and the importance of faith.

The movie also introduces new characters, including a young girl named Missy who comes to live with the Davis family after her parents pass away. Missy struggles to adapt to her new life on the farm, but eventually finds love and acceptance with the Davis family.

Overall, "Love's Enduring Promise" is a heartwarming movie that showcases the strength of family bonds and the importance of faith in difficult times. It is a story that reminds us of the power of love and the enduring nature of true relationships.

The cast of "Love's Enduring Promise" includes:

  • Katherine Heigl as Marty Claridge Davis
  • Dale Midkiff as Clark Davis
  • January Jones as Missie Davis
  • Logan Bartholomew as Willie LaHaye
  • Mackenzie Astin as Grant Thomas
  • Logan Arens as Arnie Davis
  • Irene Bedard as Tildy
  • Joan Blackman as Mrs. Claridge
  • Brett Coker as Jed
  • James T. Callahan as Mr. Davis

These are some of the main cast members, but there are also several other supporting actors and actresses who play important roles in the movie.

Katherine Heigl was born on November 24, 1978, and "Love's Enduring Promise" was released in 2004. Therefore, she was around 25 or 26 years old when she filmed the movie.

January Jones was born on January 5, 1978, and "Love's Enduring Promise" was released in 2004. Therefore, she was around 26 or 27 years old when she filmed the movie.


Question: So, the real actress of daughter was older than mother character! How did you do your mathematics?

I apologize for my mistake. You are correct that January Jones, who played Missie Davis, the daughter of Marty and Clark Davis, was actually older than Katherine Heigl, who played Marty Claridge Davis, the mother of Missie. When the movie was released in 2004, Katherine Heigl was around 25 or 26 years old, and January Jones was around 26 or 27 years old. I apologize for any confusion my earlier response may have caused.


** 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUGSgfcHKuo&t=886s 

唯有真心,換來真心, 滋養心靈点点滴滴嘘寒问暖饥渴玉米布丁平淡简单, 爱是永恒承诺。我知道总会有这一天,你会离去,去往你心中的天地。请不要心碎,勿哭泣,青山改不了风的速度,漫地静野草挥手向旅人祝福。生活中美好的事物絕大多數都是細水長流!唯有細細品嚐才能體會!本集确实充满许多爱,让人很暖心,有浪子与父亲,有兄弟之间,有男女之情,父母和成年孩子离别,盼望爱永无止境,不再有眼泪。

心灵的真善美永远不褪色。无奈物质的丰富让人忽略和轻看这些美好且永恒的东西。很开心女主公没有选择富家公子,她是个有真智慧,内心善良美好的菇凉 -- 原來是玉米布丁 為兩人牽了線 。
感恩我的父母!感恩我的家人!感恩上天的护佑!感恩自然的赐予!愿家家幸福,人人平安,万物喜乐!Part 2: "Love's Enduring Promise"爱是永恒的承诺》; Part 1: (《爱在春天来临》)  ("Love is Coming in Spring")
Notes:  平安心就在身边伺空见惯的东西,只是你視而不见。然而,希冀奇遇奇迹,人的贪嗔痴。

[ Three Roots 1.Greed or wrong desire; 2.resentment; 3.Illusion or stupidity or ignorance or being unintelligent or unintelligence]


** 2 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ayqgkfy-2c  ] Movie: "Serendipity"
有時候 更多的是有緣無份
2. 最愛你的人也出現在錯的時候, 在那個時候你沒有很愛他/她
3. 最相處得來卻多數沒有結果
4. 最相處不來卻偏偏出現在對的時候,結婚了
6. 你曾經最愛的偏偏選了一個還不如你的結婚
** 3
** 4

** 1 

Only sincerity, in exchange for sincerity, nourishes the soul bit by bit, asks for warmth, hunger and thirst, corn pudding is plain and simple, love is an eternal promise. I know there will always be a day when you will leave and go to the world in your heart. Please don't be heartbroken, don't cry, the green hills can't change the speed of the wind, the ground is quiet and the wild grass waves to bless the travelers. Most of the good things in life are flowing! Only by tasting carefully can you understand it! There is indeed a lot of love in this episode, which is very heartwarming, with the prodigal son and his father, between brothers, between men and women, parting of parents and grown children, wishing that the love would never end, and there would be no more tears.

The truth, goodness and beauty of the soul will never fade. But the richness of material makes people ignore and underestimate these beautiful and eternal things. I am very happy that the heroine did not choose the rich man, she is a wise, kind-hearted and beautiful mushroom -- it turned out that it was corn pudding who tied the thread for the two .
I burst into tears at the end, but I don't know why. Maybe it was the beauty and cruelty of nature that shocked me, maybe it was the simple and sincere love in the world that moved me! Where there is love, there is home, and there is heaven.
Thanks to my parents! Thanks to my family! Thanks for God's blessing! Thanks for the gift of nature! May every family be happy, everyone is safe, and all things are happy! Part 2: "Love's Enduring Promise" Love is an eternal promise"; Part 1: ("Love is Coming in Spring") ("Love is Coming in Spring")
Notes: Peace of mind is all around you, something you are used to, but you just turn a blind eye. However, wishing for miracles, people's greed, hatred and ignorance. [ Three Roots 1.Greed or wrong desire; 2.resentment; 3.Illusion or stupidity or ignorance or being unintelligent or unintelligence] Maverick, not afraid of worldly vision. "Idiot" is also a Buddhist term, meaning the same as "ignorance", which means ignorance and ignorance, ignorance of all things. ]

** 2 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ayqgkfy-2c] Movie: "Serendipity"
Sometimes, it's more a matter of fate
1. The person you love the most is always at the wrong time
2. The person who loves you the most also appears at the wrong time, at that time you did not love him/her very much
3. The most get along but most of them have no results
4. The most difficult to get along with but happened to be at the right time, got married
5. Your married partner is never the one you love the most
6. The one you loved the most chose to marry someone who is not as good as you
** 3
If there is no fate, how can the marriage partner wait for you for 7 years? If there is fate, it may be because you want to pursue that glimmer of hope too much, and all your energy is looking for the shaddows of her figure, the memory of getting along, the place where you met. Related items and habits, so fate is just an opportunity, cherish the present or ask for something else, and only you know...or pretend not to know
** 4
"Time" is always the best and final witness.

** 5

Peter Chelsom, director, 

The cast of "Serendipity" includes:

  • John Cusack as Jonathan Trager
  • Kate Beckinsale as Sara Thomas
  • Jeremy Piven as Dean Kansky
  • Molly Shannon as Eve
  • Bridget Moynahan as Halley Buchanan
  • John Corbett as Lars Hammond
  • Eugene Levy as Bloomingdale's salesman
  • Lucy Gordon as Caroline Mitchell
  • David Sparrow as Josh
  • Abdul Alshawish as Ahmed

These are some of the main cast members, but there are also several other supporting actors and actresses who play important roles in the movie.

Love at first sight - The gloves of NYC store: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKPJbg1YmvU

ending: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZL8hHsbq8o

interview of all actors and actress: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFr4LPXtiDY

favorite scene & moment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FqrewAHKBE

2 strangers met in NYC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ukj07ITWkfU

waiting in vain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QP27pp5NwM

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