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自古逢秋悲寂寥, 我言秋日胜春朝。晴空一鹤排云上,便引诗情到碧霄。
zì gǔ féng qiū bēi jì liáo , wǒ yán qiū rì shèng chūn zhāo. Qíngkōng yī hè pái yún shàng, biàn yǐn shī qíng dào bì xiāo.
【翻译】 自古以来,人们每逢秋天就都悲叹寂寞凄凉,我却说秋天要胜过春天。上句侧重写秋的“形美”,那么这句则突出秋的“神韵”,使“ 秋日胜春朝 ”的观点表现得更鲜明,更有力度.
秋日天高气爽,晴空万里,一只白鹤推开云层直冲云霄,把我的赋诗情趣也带到了碧蓝的九霄 .
出自唐代 刘禹锡 的《 秋词二首·其一 》可贵,在于诗人对秋天和秋色的感受与众不同,一反过去文人悲秋的传统,赞颂了秋天的美好,唱出了昂扬的励志高歌。展现的不仅仅是秋天的生机和素色,更多的是一种高扬的气概和高尚的情操。并借黄鹤直冲云霄的写出了作者不屈的性格。
这种认可,绝非仅仅是一时的感性冲动,而是融入了诗人对秋天的更高层次的理性思考。. “晴空一鹤排云上,便引诗情到碧霄。. ”诗人抓住秋天“一鹤凌云”,这一别致的景观的描绘,展现的是秋高气爽,万里晴空,白云漂浮的开阔景象。. 那凌云的鹤,也载
Yuxi Liu:
The poetry you quoted is also in Chinese middle school textbooks.It's very famous because the poet felt joyful in the autumn when other poets cried for the withered flowers and trees.He was a progressive politician in the Tang Dynasty, but the reform he led was a failure,so he was banished.But he wasn't defeated and he was still optimistic about his upbeat spirit. "Since ancient times, every autumn is sorrowful and lonely, and I say that autumn is better than Spring.
Autumn is always a sad and lonely season for most poets,
but for me it's more beautiful than spring sunrise.
See, a crane is flying into the cloud,
taking my poems to the celestial heaven sky.
In the clear sky, when cranes line up on the clouds, the poetry will be drawn to the blue sky.
其二. 山明水净夜来霜,数树深红出浅黄。. 试上高楼清入骨,岂如春色嗾人狂。. 词句注释. ⑴悲寂寥:悲叹萧条空寂。. 宋玉《九辩
The dew condenses and becoming frost during Cold Dew, and the weather turns colder. At this time of the year, the chrysanthemum starts to bloom. The chrysanthemum is the flower of Chinese culture, as it presents its beauty after winter