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Eye contact help release the bonding hormone oxytocin, promoting

(2023-02-24 11:15:20) 下一个

? looking into someone's eyes can be a deeply transformative experience for both the person doing the looking and the person being looked at. Eye contact has been shown to increase feelings of empathy and compassion, which can lead to greater understanding and connection between people. It can help to break down barriers, build relationships, and create a sense of community in an increasingly disconnected world.



The eyes are the windows to the soul.

Eye contact is so powerful it can unlock the magic of human connection. It increases empathy and understanding. It also releases the bonding hormone oxytocin, promoting feelings of intimacy, trust, and warmth.

It is the most mysterious way for people to communicate without words and express emotions in a subtle but meaningful way.

It can improve communication, help people become more self-aware, and can even make people feel more attractive.

It's the most precious way to share Love without speaking the same language.

So take a few moments out of your day to look into the eyes of the people around you. You never know what magic could be unlocked. #

With love
Sev Joy

#communication #humanity #connection #resilience #love #seedsofjoy #together #nevergiveup #leadership
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