stonebench 当年有位哲学老师,介绍哲学的时候提到有人质疑哲学的作用,一个有意思的问题是“哲学能让我的奶牛多产奶吗?”。哲学老师当然最后绕到世界观方法论与改造世界的关系上,证明哲学是有用的。 从世界观与... » 2023-02-19 18:56:36 ( 3068 reads)
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利人而利己,由人而由己: The golden rule is a moral principle which denotes that you should treat others the way you want to be treated yourself. For example, the golden rule means that if you want people to treat you with respect, then you should treat them with respect too.
The heart of the Golden Rule is that we should treat others in the same manner in which we would like to be treated.
The Golden Rule stresses the significance of having compassion and respect for one another in all of our dealings with other people. We can better appreciate someone else's perspective and act in a way that is more compassionate and fair if we put ourselves in their position by imagining how we would react if we were in their situation and pondering how we would feel if we were in their shoes.
The Golden Rule is an ageless ideal that can be applied to many various facets of one's life, including as personal relationships, encounters in the workplace, and larger societal and political challenges. It serves as a reminder that in our interactions with other people, we should make an effort to be kind, compassionate, and courteous, and that doing so is essential to the development of robust and healthy relationships as well as communities. It is a fundamental ethical precept that can be found in a wide variety of various religious and cultural traditions.
Sources of inspiration:
(1) 自由,高大上的解读是属于一个政治哲学概念,是在此条件下人类可以自我支配,凭借自身意志而行动,并为自身的行为负责。因为 对个人与社会的关系认识上有所不同,所以在哲学各家学说对自由的概念解释也不同,甚至相差很大。但通俗易懂的定义其实就是在不影响他人利益的前提下,可以通过自身意志产生的自然行为。而不自由就是这样的自然行为被人为的限制了。当你能靠自律来从所有其他人的约束中解放出来的时候,你也就获得了真正的自由。孩子自律,家长就不会约束,学生自律,老师就不会约束,职员自律,老板就不会约束,病人自律,医生就不会约束,运动员自律,教练就不会约束。。。无论是谁,只要你自己能约束自己,你身边的人就不再会限制你。
stonebench 当年有位哲学老师,介绍哲学的时候提到有人质疑哲学的作用,一个有意思的问题是“哲学能让我的奶牛多产奶吗?”。哲学老师当然最后绕到世界观方法论与改造世界的关系上,证明哲学是有用的。 从世界观与... » 2023-02-19 18:56:36 ( 3068 reads)