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beat around the bush 文化不同 communication 的方式也不同: direct?

(2023-02-17 13:51:17) 下一个

beat around the bush 文化不同 communication 的方式也不同。high 的更analytical, low 的更contextual. 相关理论和研究文章很多。 

2023-02-17 13:45

How to deal with beat around the bush speaking?

文化不同 communication 的方式也不同。high 的更analytical,  low 的更contextual.  相关理论和研究文章很多。

A typical flaw in communication is known as "beating about the bush," which occurs when a person speaks in a way that is unclear or oblique, frequently bypassing the primary issue or point being discussed. These are various solutions to the problem of speaking in a manner that avoids direct confrontation:

If you are the listener, strive to ask specific questions that will assist the speaker in getting to the point that they are trying to make. Also, be clear and direct. If you are the one who is going to talk, you should make an

effort to explain your idea in a straightforward and clear manner. Avoid using jargon and sophisticated terms

and instead stick to utilizing plain words.

Perform attentive listening: Pay close attention to what the other person is saying, and make an effort to grasp the meaning of what they are trying to convey. Use patience and refrain from interrupting, but do try to gently steer the discussion back to the main point.

Urge the individual to be succinct: Let the person know that you value their time and would appreciate it if

they could get to the point quickly. This will show the person that you appreciate their time and will encourage them to be succinct. Inspire them to be succinct and go straight to the point.

Provide input: Discuss the individual's communication style and offer feedback on it. Inform them that you are having trouble understanding what they are trying to say, and ask them to be more clear in the future.

Maintain your composure and resist the urge to become angry or agitated. Maintain your composure and do

your best to keep your attention on the primary issue. Keep in mind that communication is a two-way street,

and that you have an important part to play in ensuring that the other person's message is effectively

conveyed to the intended audience.

If you use these techniques, you will be able to assist the other person in communicating more clearly, which

will, in turn, lead to a more fruitful conversation.

Credits: The sources of my inspiration in writing the above:  来源: 笑薇. 于 2023-02-16

记得有人提过语言和思维方式的事,此处分享几个语言,思维方式,文化影响communication 的经历。


先是等了15分钟,终于办事的印度女人姗姗来迟(banker),坐下后,先是口中念念有词地review了我所有的account,又在电脑上随机看,问随机问题,比如,什么工作云云,又说每一个账户的要求啊等等,都与我要check 无关。一个小时过去了,还是没回答我要的check 的请求。因为下一个appointment时间快到了,我不得不离开。她不是不努力工作的人,就是做事不着调。效率能高吗?

记得刚来美国时听一个教授不满意地说一个中国同学说话,beat around the bush. 这回碰到了beat around the bush 的人了。后来再去,是一个没有口音漂亮的小黑妞,几分钟搞定。

许多年前,有一次去urgent care,是个印度医生, 做了个X光,然后见医生,印度女医生看了片子,翻来覆去重复同一句话,医生看病人就那么几分钟,时间全让她重复同一句话了。也实在是听不懂,赶快出诊所去了ER. 


一个台湾来的同事,说话也是说一大堆,就是不回答问题,可是读了他发表的文章,非常的analytical, 判若两人。说话和文章都是英文的。

记得刚开始outsourcing 到印度时,美国人也抱怨印度人的service ,说话nice,就是不回答问题。那时的service基本都是印度,连菲律宾的都没有,美国人民痛苦了一段,一些人学会了如何从context 中得到答案,另一些人直接要他们提供书面instruction。

文化与其何关? 有一种根据context 分类,high context  和low context.  中国印度都属于后者。文化不同 communication 的方式也不同。high 的更analytical,  low 的更contextual.  相关理论和研究文章很多。


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