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Trump has pressed to its limits. “Is there such thing as bad publicity?
did bad publicity have any effect on the impetuous Donald J. Trump's reputation?
Knowing how to use the media to generate free publicity for your business is something Trump is great at. Donald Trump's campaign appeared to be a test case in whether this old adage is true or not.
Trump: “good publicity is preferable to bad, but from a bottom-line perspective, bad publicity is sometimes better than no publicity at all. "
Here is my conviction:
Until all bad publicity of 李云迪, I did not know him, neither his name nor his piano. Now, out of curiosity, I tried to catch up on what's about.
In Chinese:
特朗普已經逼到了極限。 “有沒有什麼不好的宣傳?
知道如何利用媒體為您的企業進行免費宣傳是特朗普擅長的事情。 唐納德特朗普的競選活動似乎是檢驗這句古老格言是否正確的一個例子。
特朗普:“好的宣傳比壞的好,但從底線的角度來看,壞的宣傳有時總比不宣傳好。 ”
直到李云迪的所有負面宣傳,我都不認識他,也不認識他的名字,也不認識他的鋼琴。 現在,出於好奇,我試圖趕上事情的經過。