2011 (1)
2016 (1035)
2017 (752)
2018 (978)
2019 (385)
2020 (175)
2021 (235)
2022 (101)
2023 (983)
With bi-lingual, or multi-lingual, came the habit of childhood. 懂、记、用: Understand, remember and use: 3-step for forming a habit. The first time you pick up a word, a phrase, you'll remember the entire life in your childhood. I wonder why so many Chinese students learn English since childhood and forgot it in adulthood. It occurs to me they broke the chain reaction (懂、记、用). To mend such a chain, the movement needs to establish dual-language like Taiwan.
隨著雙語或多語言的出現,童年的習慣。 懂,記,用:了解,記住和使用:養成習慣的3個步驟。 第一次選擇單詞,短語時,您會記得童年的整個一生。 我想知道為什麼這麼多的中國學生從小就學英語,卻在成年後卻忘記了英語。 在我看來,他們打破了連鎖反應(懂,記,用)。 為了修補這種鏈條,機芯需要建立像台灣這樣的雙重語言。
If you read Rusian novels (below), they use multi-language, below
= 托尔斯泰《战争与和平》full of English, Francais, Latin, etc.
(2021-02-01 14:48:58)下一个摘抄了长江文艺出版社《战争与和平》上册(下册要续借),共两卷。重新理顺一遍阅读内容,毕竟是长篇巨著。我忽略去记住战争情节部分,特别是一些军官姓名职务,这不妨碍阅读,并不觉得战争描写枯燥,相反,托翁写得精彩,有生气有精神有力量。
by 觉晓 (热门博主) https://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/71601/202102/462.html?