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Evelyn, my favorite Pierce Brosnan movie of all

(2021-01-14 00:08:48) 下一个

notes: my favorite Pierce Brosnan movie of all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdxzlxY3j-c 




Jan 8, 2021
130M subscribers
Pierce Brosnan ("GoldenEye") stars as Desmond Doyle, a father fighting for the custody of his three children after abandonment by their mother.
"I'm here to help." ... has kids taken away. And there's people who wonder why people don't trust the government. ????‍♀?
Jan/2021 .. who else is watching .. this movie much better than I thought and who doesnt love Pierce Brosnan .. !
Sonya Hudson
Oh Wow, What A Beautiful Movie. So Worth Watching, Spiritually Moving Just A Wonderful Feel Good Movie. Thank You For Unloading, God Bless You.
Astrologer Patricia
This is an emotionally-satisfying movie with excellent performances.
Shaunisha Mitchell
"Excellent Movie!! One of Depth & Meaning!" Thank You ???? Evelyn ????
Sharon Freeman
This is such an uplifting true story of Faith in God and a father's Love for his precious children! ????
JP 1242
Wonderful movie! Knowing it was based on a true story makes it even better!
Peggy Welty
I love how the father fights for his children I was in an orphanage when I was young ;I know what those kids felt like.love this movie third time seeing it.
norma vizcarrondo
This movie make me cry ! The love of this father is infinite for his children ????
into the void
Ol capt Greg truly loved this movie, Dont we all feel it in our hearts when we know what sould be, without some law to tell us so, praise God for the wisdom that he has granted all whome believe.
Edgar Borda
This is a wonderful, touching and riveting story that I could not hold my tears watching it. Thank U-tube for uploading it.
Lupita Rodríguez
I love this movie, when I was pregnant I watched this movie for the first time. In honor of that, my precious, beautiful, capable & amazing 16 year old daughter’s name is Evelyn!!
Based on the true story of Desmond Doyle and his fight in the Irish courts (December 1955)
sam conner
The nonstop offence unusually snore because deer emphatically blind given a roomy relish. handsomely, decorous family
Danielle Lozada
That was such a sweet heart warming movie! I love to see happy endings.
George Alexander
God is Love. No man can bring up his children without love..without God.
Sheri Stewart
Beautiful picture! Angel rays ~ I'll cherish them! Thanks for uploading this absolutely wonderful picture!
j.d. honeyheart
The movie, actors, music (van morrison) is splendid. Thanks for the upload. ????????
Julie Joslin
i love the irish production films. the music, the content of their films. And, its irish.
Evelyn Williams
An heartbreaking split of a family and a father’s determination to redeem them back together again! I love this movie!
Sunshine Ng
Nuns are supposed to be loving and caring, why are most of them so abusive to children?? That nun hit the girl so aggressively, violently...her soul so evil!
Anita covington
Absolutely moving. A move toward what is right and how God's love prevails. Wonderful!
Kalla Anica
I knew some nuns like that! Would lie straight through their teeth! And I knew one like Felicity????
Lilibeth Greenway
A really good movie based on a true story.
Donna Montanarella
What a beautiful movie! I really enjoyed this moving story portrayed by good actors. I was very happy with the ending. This is a special movie suitable for a family to watch together.
Oraldine Poellnitz
The story is interesting but so incredibly heart felt it took me two days to complete my viewing. The denial of children to their father was too emotional.
Guitar Nerd
I took a trip to Hawaii 20 years ago. This was the in-flight movie. It rings just as important now as it did then. Never stop fighting for what is right.
Cheryl McKenney
What an incredibly beautiful movie, thank you You Tube for posting this*Yes* The Constitution must be upheld to ensure the rights of all citizens**how timely.........
Starts ,although a fight for family over putting children in orphanages or Catholic run institutions that most children didn't receive kindness and love. This is not case in the case in Ireland the family was reunited after going to Irelands Supreme Court. 2-1 because the Constitution of Ireland makes one feel even good. Great Movie excellent Actors. Ty
Only Jesus Can Save Us
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Amen!! Repent and turn from sin! Obey God's sacred 10 Commandments! Time is running out!!
Barbara Jennings
Such a moving story of faith, justice and perseverance.
Elizabeth Watson
The violet lotion perioperaively attract because catsup spontaneously excite than a yellow ghost. three, grateful gratis popcorn
Vilma T. Gonzalez
WOW, What a movie! We had similar abuse, twisted abuse, not laws though, here in the states years ago. Briberies within state offices, city officials like the police department, The Department of Children, Youth & Family services, and adoption agencies where they'd gain money retaining the children or referring children to these agencies, keeping them there at all cost until adopted. The adoptive parents didn't even know many of these children where erroneously sent to the orphanage. Many parents searched for their children, but there was absolutely no trace of them. Names, all identity had been changed. It is the worse sin, taking advantage of human beings, marketing, trafficking them. In this movie, I'm glad the supreme court was composed of more than only one judge. Each one saw a different side that the other was not seeing. I am glad the law was amended! I am proud that todays aim with foster children is to reunite them with their parents, to help them in any way necessary so they can become good parents and providers for their families. It's sad though when children are sent back home to an environment that will only hurt them again having so much evidence against them. Oh goodness, I went on and on. I hate crimes against children and their parents. Especially if it's only a child that can not defend him or herself.
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Bebe Roman
Wonderful characters, good people, great hearts.
Somona Aktar
The gainful coke internally reproduce because iron disappointedly sin via a sweet siberian. idiotic, awake brazil
Cecelia Fulks
Love this movie. So heart warming
Cindy Robertson
My aunt and uncle were cared for here in the states, by the good sisters of charity. Our USA did not have state funded day care or food stamps. My grand pa basically abandoned the family due to alcohol. He had a railroad job all during the depression! And his family went hungry. Grandma was a nurse volunteer in the war.so with very little training got a job and as the youngest became school age they were returned to her. .the lesson here is take responsibility!
Rowena Marvin
Van Morrison music on final credits!
Jane Favreau
Reveals how courts are cruel to victims
Mary Anne Nizio
I love this movie ..good for the soul
Vicki Evans
Thank you for this movie being posted, awesome movie, Gid the Father bless you.
Gayle Pike
What a beautiful movie! To know that it was based on a real case history makes it wonderful!
Amelia Mendoza
A beautiful, loving movie,. This is what is going to happen to Our President, the best president ever, Mr. Donald J. Trump, justice, truth, love,. God Bless Him Send Him lots of Angels to protect him and Americans, love and respect him always, here Miss Evelyn is a lot smarter than all congress, republicans, Democrats, Supreme Court, mega media, fake news, soon the truth will prevail.., in Jesus Christ Almighty., Amen?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????‍♀?
Share Bear
Excellent acting and an outstanding movie.
I used to warn my children to never be alone with any kind of religious person...Priests and nuns being at the top of the list. People carrying Bibles CANNOT BE TRUSTED! My oldest daughter learned the hard way I was right. She went with a friend to church, the minister's wife booted her out because she had no money for the collection plate...She's now a confirmed atheist. My younger daughter followed the oldest's lead. My wife was nominally religious, I am an agnostic, christians turned my daughters into atheists.
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Little Iodine
Thank you! ????
39:26 James Bond is a fine singer
Sage The Rage
Didn't realise this was a true story.
Emily Solano
THank for uploading a beautiful movie
Mari Montalvo
Jan.13, 2021, m watching it tonight, thnx.
linda caylor
Wow I think I've just seen my favorite Pierce Brosnan movie of all. How beautiful this was. A real father's true love and commitment to his children. Wonderful man.
George Alexander
Great movie....and music!! ?????????????????????????????????
Ana Luna
What an excellent movie ???????? Thanks YouTube for another great one!!!
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