
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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WW2: 色戒l出卖良心的蠹蟲l无处不在的邪恶与愚昧!

(2020-10-25 19:26:58) 下一个

Notes: "有时候敌人不单是纳粹, 也不单是出卖良心的蠹蟲 Dù Ch?ng (like Hans, a Dutch), 而是无处不在的邪恶与愚昧! [无处不在的邪恶和愚蠢…] " - 人性在危难之际(比如战争,生死关头)暴露无疑,比如善良,贪婪,自私,勇敢等等。(爱丽丝改名她的娘家姓:雷切尔·罗森塔尔, acted by starring: Carice van Houten

Paul Verhoeven: Black Book | Official Trailer (2006) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBPI7qHSxEM? Rachel/Ellis de Vries is caught in a love triangle between Hans Akkermans and Ludwig Muntze. Ellis also visits her family before they are murdered


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_b1SGjm_keI  BLACK BOOK FILM COMPLETO BELLISSIMO DA VEDERE   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2B29QJZ_n0  

Dutch Resistance - Black Book (2006) - Airdrop and Train Scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2B29QJZ_n0  


Rediscovering: Black Book (2006)

May 8, 2020
1.26K subscribers
To celebrate the 75th VE Day anniversary we searched Amazon Prime for a WWII movie to recommend, settling on Paul Verhoeven’s spy drama that focuses on the Dutch resistance movement in The Hague. Game of Thrones' Carice van Houten puts in a standout lead performance in what is one of the most successful Dutch movies ever. Thanks for watching and please subscribe if you enjoy our content! Twitter: https://twitter.com/cineXplorers Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cineXplorers #cinexplorers #paulverhoeven #veday 
For the life of me I cannot believe I haven’t seen this film, and I like Paul Verhoeven and I love spy thrillers. Since it is Verhoeven I am happy to hear it has its playful jazzy style, cause I was expecting a harrowing drama which needs to be shown, but how much can an audience take. If there needs to be harrowing and enigmatic film on female spies, it should be on Christine Granville. There is a book called The Spy Who Loved which I’d recommend and I found it to be a harrowing and intriguing read. Will definitely be giving this a go. Thanks for the recommendation???? Also... I wish Paul Verhoeven will make another Hollywood film. His lurid style and his explicit stylings will certainly interesting to see in these days of dry, safe and dare I say PC films.
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Jade Johnson
This is one of my favourite films! I agree with the comments you make on it. Carice van Houten and Sebastian Koch got together in real life. The chemistry between them was therefore real, which makes their love affair all the more convincing. 8-)
Roel Martin van der Velde
To me, Black Book is Verhoeven's sequel to Soldier of Orange (1977), in which characters are more black and white. Black book is trying to blur the good and bad within each character. Although it is a bit over the top (Verhoeven will be Verhoeven), and puts all the drama of resistance in one movie, it does tap into different motivations for choosing sides, or not choosing at all, and commendably so.

================ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S51x9xLd-VU 

Black Book (Zwartboek) - Ja, das ist meine Melodie


============== at 0:21  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiPlId09OZk  if jews had listened to Jesus, they would not be in such a mess now. 如果犹太人听了耶稣的话,他们现在就不会陷入混乱。 

Black Book (Zwartboek) - Ja, das ist meine Melodie 


A tribute to Black Book

Dec 30, 2009
283 subscribers
Rachel/Ellis de Vries is caught in a love triangle between Hans Akkermans and Ludwig Muntze. Ellis also visits her family before they are murdered. "As I Lay Me Down to Sleep" is performed by Sophie B. Hawkins.

Silver screen era: magnificient closed up shots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiTpT3dIOiU  THE BLACK BOOK (Fully Closed Captioned) The Black Book (1949) FILM NOIR Stars: Robert Cummings, Richard Basehart, Richard Hart Director: Anthony Mann Cinematography: John Alton Robespierrre, a powerful figure in the French revolution, is desperately looking for his black book, a death list of those marked for the guillotine. Cinematography by FILM NOIR lensman John Alton!


Jan 17, 2007
70.7K subscribers
Filmmaker Paul Verhoeven returned to the Netherlands after more than twenty years of success in Hollywood to direct this epic-scale war drama based on a true story. Rachel Steinn (Carice van Houten) is a beautiful Jewish woman living in Holland during the early days of World War II. When Axis forces take control of Holland, Rachel's family are killed in a bombing raid while most of the city's Jews are rounded up and sent to Nazi death camps. Rachel manages to narrowly avoid capture, and joins the local resistance movement. With her hair dyed blonde, Rachel can easily pass for a gentile, and when the leader of the Dutch resistance movement learns his son has been captured by Axis forces, Rachel is asked to use her feminine charms to persuade a German commander to arrange for the boy's release. Rachel soon finds herself caught up in a dangerous double life as she becomes a sexual plaything for the Nazis while attempting to bring down their evil empire as a spy. http://www.sonyclassics.com/blackbook/







(Alice renamed back to her maiden name: Rachel Rosontaer) Sometimes the enemy is not only the Nazis, nor the silverfish who betrays the conscience, but the ubiquitous evil and ignorance! (Alice renamed back to her maiden name: Rachel Rosontaer) Sometimes the enemy is not only the Nazi, nor is it only the conscience Silverfish, but evil and ignorance everywhere! (Alice changed her name to her maiden name: Rachel Rosenthal)


被删35分钟才敢上映的片子,一个女间谍的前半生《黑皮书》| 看电影了没

Oct 7, 2020
774K subscribers
黑皮书 Zwartboek (2006)
蠹虫  Dùchóng GIUMKA - 衣魚,俗稱蠹、蠹魚、白魚、壁魚、書蟲或衣蟲是一種靈巧、怕光、而且無翅的昆蟲,身體呈銀灰色,因此也有白... | Facebook活了3億年!藏在書櫃「把衣服全都吃光光」 專家曝「靠牠房子有救了」撇步教給大家- Fun頭條
活了3億年!藏在書櫃「把衣服全都吃光光」 專家曝「靠牠房子有救了」撇步教給

活了3億年!藏在書櫃「把衣服全都吃光光」 專家曝「靠牠房子有救了」撇步教給大家

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