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只说事实,不摆道理。同学问一, 老师答一, 好。划地为牢,规则彊界内,就事论事, 不要说一扯二搭上三。40年道不同, 何以论理? 同学群,以论情,勿争理,吾生平恨高大上!
說一扯二搭上三,罵四嚇五六人身(攻擊)as criticism?
(0/61 reads)2024-01-13 14:13:38
說一扯二搭上三,罵四嚇五六人身(攻擊)as criticism? - unsolicited feedback can often be perceived as criticism? -
Scrolling down the posts, I got back-tracked memory. How do you set up the boundary of action-reaction of blog posts? Perhaps, you might benefit from reading Chris Voss's book "Never split the difference" (below). Chris Voss, renowned as a leading negotiator globally, brings his expertise as a former FBI hostage negotiator. Fortune 500 companies enlist his services to impart the nuances of deal-making.
The key is "be specific" - Focus on your post; Don't deviate from the boundary of your post. Chris Voss focused on a number, an actionable item only.
• unsolicited feedback can often be perceived as criticism? - TJKCB - ♀ (4651 bytes) (71 reads) 01/11/2024 15:49:46 (2)
• 占位点赞,明天细看。谢谢分享。:) - 盈盈一笑间 - ♀ (0 bytes) (0 reads) 01/11/2024 19:50:23
• unsolicited feedback can often be perceived as criticism? - 盈盈一笑间 - ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 01/12/2024 13:26:55
• It depends. I think. :) - 盈盈一笑间 - ♀ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/12/2024 13:27:33 (1)
• What anchors your think? specific? - TJKCB - ♀ (0 bytes) (0 reads) 01/13/2024 13:46:23
Here are the key take-home points from the notes on Chris Voss's negotiation tips:
Be the first to state your price.
This sets the tone for the discussion around a specific number.
For example, anchor a used car worth $2,000 at $3,000 to make $2,000 seem like a bargain.
Low Offers:
If the seller starts with a high anchor, consider making a "low-ball" offer.
In the car example, offer $1,000 instead of the desired $1,750.
It serves as a counter to the seller's anchor and promotes transparent discussion.
Justify your position in negotiations.
Provide evidence for your offers, explaining factors like needed repairs, damages, or market comparisons.
Talk Less:
Contrary to the misconception, the person who speaks the least often wins in negotiations.
Avoid giving away too much information; make the other party play into your hands.
Team Approach:
Emphasize that you and the other party are on the same team.
Work towards a shared outcome rather than seeing each other as opponents.
Bonus Point:
Avoid the mindset of a "winner" and "loser" in negotiations.
Strive for a win-win situation where everyone gets what they want.
These tips encourage effective negotiation strategies, fostering collaboration and transparency.