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master of an in-your-space intimacy of now-liability

(2019-04-03 11:33:28) 下一个

POV: a master of an in-your-space intimacy of now-liability came in a wrong time, in a wrong era of his age.

Ref. ---- https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/02/us/politics/joe-biden-women-me-too.html

 His struggling to prevent a strength (his ability to connect via) from turning into a crippling liability

Gloria Steinem, the feminist icon, said politicians needed to set parameters: “The way out is simple. Our bodies and voices belong to us — that should be the first step in democracy. Just ask before hugging.”

“This is stuff mostly that he’s done in front of everybody,” said David Axelrod, who was a senior adviser to President Barack Obama while Mr. Biden was vice president. “I’m sure his intent was benign, but through the lens of today, it looks like something different.”


Patrick HealyVerified account @patrickhealynyt 18

NEWS: Two more women have come forward telling the NYT that Joe Biden touched them in ways that made them uncomfortable. By &

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