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The biggest problem, according to McNamee, is that Facebook's business model relies on tracking an enormous amount of data about what its users do when they aren't even on Facebook.
At the end of he day, the thing that really worries me, and this so-called manifesto doesn't touch that, is that the value, and the problems, really are associated with metadata and data collecting outside of Facebook, neither of which are covered by this manifesto.
Zuck made very clear... that they're not getting out of the tracking business. My problem with Facebook is not whether it's end-to end-encrypted... it's what are they doing with the tracking, what are they doing to invade my private spaces. I don't want then buying my credit card history, I do not want them doing business with health and wellness apps, I do not want them buying my location data from my cellular carrier, I do not want them tracking me all around the web.
McNamee also expressed support for Elizabeth Warren's plan to break up big tech companies like Facebook, Google, and Apple. His appearance at SXSW comes just one day after Warren took the stage in Austin to discuss her plan for dismantling large tech companies she says are making it more difficult for smaller companies to innovate.
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