
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
  • 博客访问:

studying Chinese, became professor MIT/Harvard/Duke

(2017-11-06 10:28:24) 下一个
studying Chinese, became professor MIT/Harvard/Duke, all A-list prestigious

studying Chinese, became professor MIT/Harvard/Duke, all A- (待审核)

2017-11-6 10:23 |个人分类:Observation|系统分类:海外观察    推荐到群组  

As I wrote you in post ""Voices carry" co-written by Claire Conceison " , I's confused to read about the author with different affiliations (Tufs, Duke) and said I'd checked her out. Now, I realized that  - She studying Chinese, became professor MIT/Harvard/Duke, all A-list prestgious university. A point came to my mind - China strides to main stream media - art is a final form of verification for a country's status in human civilization.

I'm caught up with being huge surprised to read the news about her -
About the AuthorClaire Conceison is Quanta Professor of Chinese Culture and professor of theater studies at MIT. She is author of Significant Other: Staging the American in China and Voices Carry: Behind Bars and Backstage During China's Revolution and Reform.

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Claire A. Conceison | Fairbank Center for Chinese Studiesfairbank.fas.harvard.edu/profiles/claire-a-conceison/

Rating and reviews for Professor Claire Conceison from Duke University Durham, NC United States.

Claire Conceison: When Western Theater Meets East | Duke Todayhttps://today.duke.edu/2010/12/conceison.html

Dec 13, 2010 - Sorting out the many interests of new Theater Studies professor Claire Conceison is no easy task: A short list starts with directing Chinese ...

An Interview with Claire Conceison - China Focuschinafocus.us/2015/08/13/claire-conceison/

Aug 13, 2015 - The Theatre and US-China Relations: An Interview with Claire Conceison. China Focus gives special thanks to guest contributor Rachel Leng ...

A Transnational, Translingual Writer: Claire Conceison on Gao ...https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/claire-conceison-on-gao-xingjian/

Nov 4, 2013 - CLAIRE CONCEISON: Gao typifies the current tension between old categories and new lived realities. For a decade before he won the Nobel ...

Claire Conceison | Professor | Duke University | Academic Roomwww.academicroom.com/users/claire-conceison

Claire Conceison joined the Duke faculty from Tufts University in 2009. She will teach two courses in Fall 2011, a seminar on sport as performance and a ...

Amazon.com: Significant Other: STAGING THE AMERICAN IN CHINA ...https://www.amazon.com/Significant-Other-STAGING-AMERICAN.../0824826531

Claire Conceison's close readings of recent plays take into account not only the texts of the plays themselves and other primary sources, but also production ...

Claire Conceison | Massachusetts Institute of Technologyhttps://mta.mit.edu/person/claire-conceison

Claire Conceison (康开丽) is Quanta Professor of Chinese Culture and Professor of Theater Arts. She is a scholar, translator, and director. Her areas of research ...

Claire Conceison | Theater, Dance & Mediahttps://tdm.fas.harvard.edu/people/claire-conceison

Claire Conceison. Quanta Professor of Chinese Culture and Professor of Theater Arts, MIT. Claire Conceison. 2017-2018. Course: Sport as Performance. 2014- ...


About authors | VOICES CARRY

VOICES CARRY - WordPress.com300 × 259Search by image
Conceison and Ying at Peking Union Medical Center Hospital in 2002

Tufts E-News: Two Sides of the Same Coin
enews.tufts.edu200 × 200Search by image


New YRC_1993                                                                by renwensociety                                        

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Kublai Khan                                                                by renwensociety                                        

Ying Ruocheng as Liu Mazi (Pockmark Liu) in Lao She's "Teahouse"                                                                by renwensociety                                        

Ying Ruocheng as Liu Mazi (Pockmark Liu) in Lao She's "Teahouse"                                                                by renwensociety                                        

YRC as Willy Loman (with Biff and Happy) in Arthur Miller's "Death of a Salesman"                                                                by renwensociety                                        

New Image5                                                                by renwensociety                                        

YRC & Princess Diana                                                                by renwensociety                                        

Claire Conceison with Ying Ruocheng                                                                by renwensociety                                        

Claire Conceison with Ying Ruocheng                                                                by renwensociety                                        

Xiaole, Claire, Ying Da                                                                by renwensociety                                        

YRC and Ying Da                                                                by renwensociety                                        

Feichang fuqi (12) crop                                                                by renwensociety                                        

He Yong, Fei Chunfang                                                                by renwensociety                                        

with Liu Yanqi at China Institute                                                                by renwensociety                                        

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IMG_0441                                                                by renwensociety                                        

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- Write with meticulous search and fun.

群组群组文化娱乐所有笔醒山河说实话Main stream media for China story



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