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American "equal justice under law" disciplines Trump or Hillary Clinton behave - at peace
平安心: 平等正义的法律规范特朗普或希拉里·克林顿行为
Confused now, wonder: "希拉裏會以可以預知的方式毀掉美國,特朗普則以不可預知的方式毀掉美國。希拉裏和建製派不承認美國的問題,幻想苟且不變就能躲過全球化的大潮。特朗普和民粹則不能理解美國的問題,不是排外和關門這種鴕鳥政策就能解決的。" Which one do you cast your vote? lesser of two evils? Much appreciated your insight.
卢梭“人是生而自由,却无往不在枷锁之中。" ... 人处在原则与事实的矛盾之中,究其原因,是因为人不能主宰自己。 ..... 这就是施特劳斯所说的,卢梭至死都相信,哪怕是最合法的政体也是一种束缚.
哲学家柏林说过:愈是自由的地方,节制愈加可贵;否则自由会成为自由的舛夫。毕达哥拉斯也说:“不能制约自己的人,不能称之为自由的人。”只有肉体上的欲望受到限制, 之为自由的人.
Mr. Comey did criticize Mrs. Clinton and her aides for what he termed the “extremely careless” handling of sensitive information.
Ms. Abedin separated from Mr. Weiner in August after it emerged that he was exchanging lewd messages with a woman on social media. Such behavior had destroyed his congressional career and his 2013 mayoral campaign.
Mr. Trump has pointed to Mrs. Clinton’s association with the couple as an example of her bad judgment.
“I only worry for the country in that Hillary Clinton was careless and negligent in allowing Weiner to have such close proximity to highly classified information,” Mr. Trump said last summer. “Who knows what he learned and who he told?”
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Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton on the campaign's plane on Friday. Credit Doug Mills/The New York Times. WASHINGTON - A new trove of emails that appear pertinent to the now-closed investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server was ... |